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Summer Solstice/National Pollinator Week

As many of you know, this year is turning out to be one of our busiest and best yet – we are expanding our inventory, increasing our production, and evolving to our fullest potential. Amongst our ever-growing list of plant material, the early summer-bloomers are beginning to make their presences known. This week, we’re going to take you across the Nursery, through an assortment of plants known for tolerating drought and inhabiting dry soil environments, each providing a different ornamental or ecological value to the landscape. What’s more fitting for welcoming the summer than plants that are ready for the heat and sun?

Bigleaf Hydrangea

Nothing says “Summer is here!” quite like the arrival of pink, blue, purple, white and red Hydrangea blooms. A classic, timeless ornamental known to the avid gardener and the novice alike, the Hydrangea genus has been hybridized, cultivated, and re-imagined many times: from bloom colors, to compact and dwarf cultivars, to climbing species that scramble up building facades, and everything in between. This week, we’d like to take you on a journey into the wild and wonderful world of Hydrangea macrophylla, Bigleaf Hydrangea, highlighting some lesser-known facts and reintroducing you to the time-honored deciduous shrub, with a contemporary twist.