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National Moth Week

Happy National Moth Week! We hope you’ve been celebrating by exploring and tracking down your local moth populations, à la Steve Irwin. If not, don’t worry – we camouflaged ourselves with moss and sticks, hunkered down beneath some decaying logs for an afternoon, and managed to creep around long enough to get these shots in celebration of the national holiday. Enjoy!

Something for Everyone

This week, we’re highlighting something for everyone to suit a variety of site conditions. We have woodland groundcover, Sedum ternatum, sunshine-loving native shrub, Hypericum x ‘Blue Velvet’, and the unique but underutilized meadow perennial, Eryngium yuccifolium. Each of these natives play critical ecological roles in the landscape, from providing crucial nectar sources for pollinators, to soil stabilization, and everything in between.

Fern Facts

It’s native fern week! It’s been a while since we’ve explored some of the diverse and fascinating fern species that we have in abundance here at the Nursery, so this week we’re paying homage to these prehistoric plants and their often unseen and underappreciated attributes. Through a brief journey into the physiological, ecological, cultural and historical uses of these North American native ferns, we hope to leave you loving them as much as we do!

Here Comes the Sun

If you haven’t been by the Nursery lately, now’s the time to come and bask in the rainbow of blooms that are coming to life in every nook and cranny, beckoning eager pollinators to partake in the abundance of delectable nectar. No need to fret if you’re behind on peeping the up-and-comers making an appearance this season: we’re here to update you with some of the brightest, sunniest blooms this side of the Delaware River.