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Wet Loving Natives

You may or may not have been blessed with a fair amount of summer precipitation lately. Despite this year’s earlier drought, we’ve been making up for the rain loss with near-nightly summer storms. In honor of the rain gods, this week we’ll be talking about a handful of natives that prefer moist soil conditions, and the integral ecosystem services that each is responsible for.

Tropical Tricksters

With the dog days of summer upon us, many of us are craving a break from the humidity and bustle of getting ready for fall. However, what better to celebrate these muggy, hot days than by highlighting some tropical-esque perennials? If you can’t get away this summer, have no fear – we have just the right selections to bring a tropical feel to your landscape. So, hop on the safari bus and let’s get exotic!

Picturesque Pinks of Summer

This time of the year, yellows and pinks dominate the landscape. Carnation, flamingo, bubblegum, baby pastel, and Barbie-appropriate hues create a pattern of cohesive pink shades throughout the Nursery gardens and production houses. So, this week, we’re paying homage to only a handful of the poppy pink palettes that we offer, ranging across shapes, sizes and species.