Helenium autumnale Mariachi™ 'Fuego' PP25977
'Fuego' Sneezeweed is an attractive compact late summer bloomer from the Mariachi™ series hybridized by Arie Blom of the Netherlands. 'Fuego' is covered with vivid orange to yellow daisy-like flowers set off by interesting brown center cones, from July to September. The compact plants flower heavily, attracting butterflies and other pollinators to the showy display. A tough, maintenance-free perennial that is very cold tolerant.
- Category: Perennials
- Alternate Cultivar: Mariachi™ 'Fuego'
- Patent: PP25977
- Hardiness Zone: 3
- Height: 20 Inches
- Spread: 24 Inches
- Bloom Color: Orange
Qty | Description | Comments | Future Crop | Future Crop Ready Date | |
129 | Helenium autumnale Mariachi Fuego #1 (NATIVE-fiery orange, red, yellow) | Login for pricing |