Hydrangea quercifolia Gatsby Pink® PP27879

Oakleaf Hydrangea

Gatsby Pink® ('JoAnn') Oakleaf Hydrangea starts blooming in June, producing large white upright panicles.  As the flowers age, they take on shades of pink which are attractive for a lengthy time throughout the summer.  The disease free green foliage takes on shades of red and burgundy in the fall, and as Hydrangea Gatsby Pink® matures, the exfoliating tan bark adds winter interest.

  • Category: Woody Ornamentals
  • Alternate Cultivar: 'JoAnn'
  • Patent: PP27879
  • Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Height: 6 Feet
  • Spread: 6 Feet
  • Bloom Color: Pink, White


Qty Description Comments Future Crop Future Crop Ready Date
0 Hydrangea quercifolia Gatsby Pink #3 (NATIVE-white to pink) 160 8/1 Login for pricing
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