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Pleasant Run Nursery Preferred Selection Plants

Success! The following plants match your search request. We've included all matches below. Click on any plant to learn additional details.

Sweet Flag

Acorus gramineus 'Ogon'

'Ogon' Sweet Flag has bright yellow stiffly upright leaves that are a vivid addition to a wet site in the shade. The clumps of Acorus 'Ogon' get larger with age. This Sweet Flag is evergreen so it provides great winter interest. Introduced into the US by Barry Yinger. Per Diane Guidone formerly of Rumson, NJ, Acorus withstood salt inundation in the recent hurricanes really well.

H: 16 Inches  ·   S: 12 Inches  ·   Zone: 5

Bottlebrush Buckeye

Aesculus parviflora

Creamy white flowers on Aesculus parviflora appear in summer on long panicles. Bottlebrush Buckeye offers golden yellow fall color. Aesculus parviflora is a wonderful addition to the landscape to attract hummingbirds. Our neighbor nurseryman Dick Karkalits says it is an absolutely foolproof plant for just about any location, and we agree.

H: 10 Feet  ·   S: 10 Feet  ·   Zone: 4

Anise Hyssop

Agastache x 'Purple Haze'

The smoky bluish violet racemes of 'Purple Haze' Anise Hyssop start in July and keep going until fall. Agastache x 'Purple Haze' is a real butterfly and bee magnet, from those plant gurus of North Creek Nurseries. Hybridized by Coen Jansen of the Netherlands.

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 6

Ornamental Onion

Allium 'Medusa' PP28701

Light purple drumstick flowers appear above gray-green twisty strap-like leaves in late summer and early fall. Deer proof!

H: 22 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

Ornamental Onion

Allium 'Millenium'

'Millenium' Ornamental Onion blooms in July and August, producing lots of 2" purplish lavender round clusters of flowers like drumsticks on 15" stems. The onion scented leaves are glossy and strap-like, making a thick clump from which the long lasting blooms arise. Many insects and butterflies feed off them but deer and rabbits will not touch them. All Ornamental Onions do well under Black Walnuts. Allium 'Millenium' is the product of Mark McDonough's hard work with Ornamental Onions. 2018 Perennial Plant of the Year.

H: 18 Inches  ·   S: 12 Inches  ·   Zone: 5

Arkansas Amsonia

Amsonia hubrichtii

The delicate light blue flowers of Arkansas Amsonia appear in May. It also has stunning orange and yellow fall foliage. This tough multi-season plant can handle a broad range of site conditions. 2011 Perennial Plant of the Year, and Dr. J.C. Raulston's favorite perennial.

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 36 Inches  ·   Zone: 5


Anemone x hybrida Fantasy™ 'Red Riding Hood' PP28799

Rosy red single flowers are held on strong stems above green foliage from July to October. Compact habit, good plant for containers.

H: 18 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 5

Black Chokeberry

Aronia melanocarpa Low Scape Mound® PP28789

Low Scape Mound® Black Chokeberry ('UCONNAM165') is an unusual Aronia melanocarpa form produced by Drs. Mark Brand and Bryan Connolly of U. Conn. Low Scape Mound® performs as a groundcover instead of an upright shrub, so it works well as an erosion control plant as well as an edger. The green spring foliage is topped by lots of attractive white racemes. The showy flowers are followed by shiny black fruit in late summer, providing important food for wildlife. The fall color is a deep red, persisting for several weeks.

H: 2 Feet  ·   S: 2 Feet  ·   Zone: 3

Black Chokeberry

Aronia melanocarpa 'Viking'

'Viking' Black Chokeberry has glossy dark green leaves which turn a striking red in fall. The white, spring flowers are followed by large purplish black fruit, which birds love (and they are full of anti-oxidants). The site adaptability (Aronia melanocarpa 'Viking' likes both wet and dry conditions) and the suckering habit make it an excellent shrub for reclamation use, as well as an attractive landscape plant. Dr. Mark Brand of Connecticut found this native beauty.

H: 6 Feet  ·   S: 6 Feet  ·   Zone: 4

White Wood Aster

Aster divaricatus 'Eastern Star'

'Eastern Star' White Wood Aster is shorter than the species and has dark burgundy stems to set off the white daisy-like flowers better. 'Eastern Star' blooms in September and October, and tolerates poor soils. An introduction from Canyon Creek Nursery from a plant from coastal Rhode Island (New name is Eurybia divaricata).

H: 18 Inches  ·   S: 18 Inches  ·   Zone: 3

Smooth Aster

Aster laevis 'Bluebird'

'Bluebird' Smooth Aster has lots of showy bluish violet flowers in late summer and early fall over clean foliage. 'Bluebird' is a great introduction from the Mt. Cuba Center in Delaware. Ranked as the #1 Aster in an evaluation study at Mt. Cuba Center. Strong stems do not need staking (New name is Symphyotricum laeve).

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 36 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

Aromatic Aster

Aster oblongifolius 'Raydon's Favorite'

Masses of delicate clear blue flowers appear on 'Raydon's Favorite' Aromatic Aster in September and October. 'Raydon's Favorite' is tolerant of dry, rocky sites which makes sense because it was found in San Antonio, Texas by Raydon Alexander. One of famed plantsman, Rick Darke's favorites (New name is Symphyotricum oblongifolium).

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 36 Inches  ·   Zone: 3

Chinese Astilbe

Astilbe chinensis 'Visions'

'Visions' Chinese Astilbe has vivid pink flowers in July, over attractive lustrous foliage, late blooming.

H: 14 Inches  ·   S: 12 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

Chinese Astilbe

Astilbe chinensis var. taquetii 'Purple Candles'

The tall purple flowers of 'Purple Candles' Chinese Astilbe appear in June. Late blooming and relatively dry site tolerant.

H: 40 Inches  ·   S: 18 Inches  ·   Zone: 4


Astilbe x 'Delft Lace' PP19839

'Delft Lace' Astilbe is a very beautiful newcomer to the Plume Flower scene, with dark pinkish salmon buds which open up to apricot pink delicate plumes, set off by contrasting red stems. The dissected foliage is also attractive, with a silvery overlay on the bluish green leaves. It blooms in June and makes an awesome show.

H: 12 Inches  ·   S: 10 Inches  ·   Zone: 5

Blue False Indigo

Baptisia australis

Blue False Indigo, also known as Redneck Lupine, has blue pea-like flowers in May and June, A long-lived perennial. 2010 Perennial Plant of the Year. All Baptisias are very roadside salt tolerant and dry site tolerant.

H: 40 Inches  ·   S: 36 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

False Indigo

Baptisia x Decadence® 'Lemon Meringue' PP24280

Decedence® 'Lemon Meringue' is a new introduction from Hans Hansen's extensive breeding program. The lemon yellow pea-shaped flowers are held on tall charcoal colored stems above bluish green foliage. A tough, long lived native perennial, Baptisia 'Lemon Meringue' is a colorful addition to the back of perennial borders as well as an excellent candidate for prairie gardens and dry meadows. Decadence® Lemon Meringue is drought tolerant, deer resistant and long blooming.

H: 46 Inches  ·   S: 48 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

Blue Grama

Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition' PP22048

'Blonde Ambition' Blue Grama is a lovely low maintenance native grass which has unusually shaped inflorescences. The orange to straw colored flowers are held horizontally off the stems, so that they look like tiny feathers. This is especially lovely when back lit by afternoon sun. When planted in mass, Bouteloua 'Blonde Ambition' can serve as an infrequently mowed lawn, since it does best in full sun. It was introduced by David Salman of High Country Gardens, and brought to our attention by Steve Castorani of North Creek Nurseries.

H: 24 Inches  ·   S: 18 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

Butterfly Bush

Buddleia x Flutterby Petite® 'Blue Heaven' PP22069

Flutterby Petite® 'Blue Heaven' ('Podaras #8') Butterfly Bush is a new introduction to the groundcover Buddleia world, with blue fragrant flowers all summer over low growing silvery foliage. It is largely sterile, and is a great nectar source for hummingbirds, butterflies and other insects. A Ball Ornamentals introduction from hybridizing work by Peter Podaras.

H: 30 Inches  ·   S: 30 Inches  ·   Zone: 6

Korean Feather Reed Grass

Calamagrostis brachytricha

Korean Feather Reed Grass has beautiful airy pinkish inflorescences in September, above strong green foliage. It is shade and moist site tolerant and blooms much later than other Feather Reed Grasses.

H: 48 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 4


Calycanthus floridus 'Michael Lindsey'

'Michael Lindsey' Sweetshrub has reddish brown flowers that are consistently, gorgeously fragrant, blooming for a prolonged period in April and May over dark, lustrous green foliage. Fall color of Calycanthus floridus 'Michael Lindsey' is a clear yellow. Selected by Allen Bush of Holbrook Farm & Nursery in North Carolina. It is also wet site tolerant. Extremely verticillium resistant per Rick Darke.

H: 8 Feet  ·   S: 5 Feet  ·   Zone: 4


Calycanthus raulstonii 'Hartlage Wine'

'Hartlage Wine' Sweetshrub has amazing reddish maroon flowers with yellow centers starting in May and continuing to fall. A very exciting Sweetshrub named after an extraordinary plantsman, Dr. J.C. Raulston, developed by Richard Hartlage and the JC Raulston Arboretum. It used to sport my favorite plant name, xSinocalycalycanthus x raulstonii.

H: 10 Feet  ·   S: 6 Feet  ·   Zone: 5


Camellia x 'Long Island Pink'

Camellia x 'Long Island Pink' has single pink flowers that bloom in the fall and a nice compact habit. 'Long Island Pink' Camellia was found on Long Island, NY and is evergreen.

H: 5 Feet  ·   S: 3 Feet  ·   Zone: 6


Camellia x 'Spring's Promise'

Camellia x 'Spring's Promise' has single reddish salmon flowers in spring, with some blooms opening consistently in the fall. It has glossy evergreen foliage.

H: 5 Feet  ·   S: 4 Feet  ·   Zone: 6