Websites of Interest
Below are a few website we have found that have proved, helpful, informative and resourceful. Enjoy and happy surfing!
Missouri Botanical Gardens (MOBOT) Plant Finder
Look up, view a photo and read about the over 6,800 plants which are growing or have been grown in the Kemper Center display gardens (plus selected additions) by scientific name, common name and/or selected plant characteristics.
PHS Gold Medal Plants
The Philadelphia Horticultural Society (PHS) Gold Medal Plant Program is a resource for anyone looking for the perfect tree, shrub, vine, or perennial plant to add to their garden. Gold Medal Plants have been selected for their ease of cultivation, multiple seasons of interest, commercial availability, appropriateness for the Mid-Atlantic region, and value to wildlife. Each year, PHS convenes nursery owners, horticulturists, expert gardeners, and professional growers to conduct a review of both newly available and classic species and cultivars, selecting the best performing and most beautiful for inclusion in the Gold Medal Program.
Homegrown National Park - Doug Tallamy
HOMEGROWN NATIONAL PARK® is a grassroots call-to-action to regenerate biodiversity and ecosystem function by planting native plants and creating new ecological networks.
American Beauties/Native Plants Landscape Plants
Create a garden easily with planting suggestions from American Beauties Native Plants (Bird Lover's, Dry Shade, Butterfly & Moist Sun)
Mt Cuba Plant Trials
Mt Cuba's research team uses the Trial Garden to evaluate native plants and related cultivars for horticultural and ecological value, and to highlight the ecosystem services native plants provide. The link below will provide you with a detailed summary of what the various trials revealed.
Rutgers Gardens Rain Garden
The intent at Rutgers Gardens was to design and develop a garden that had all the positive environmental aspects, yet remained attractive throughout the year with minimal maintenance. Check out how they achieved their goal.
Rutgers Coop Ext Water Resources Program
Our mission is to identify and address water resources issues by engaging and empowering communities to employ practical science-based solutions to help create a more equitable and sustainable New Jersey. The site features many useful tools and various references, especially helpful is the Rain Garden Manual of New Jersey.
Penn State Extention - Rain Garden
Suggested plant material (trees, shrubs and perennials) for the three rain garden zones. This plant list provides a good starting point to help you become familiar with some native plants that are good for rain gardens. Most of the plants listed below are native specifically to the Mid-Atlantic region, although there are some that are native more to the mid-western region of the United States. This list is not a comprehensive planting guide, as the exact plants for each rain garden will vary depending on how much water the garden will hold, the exposure (sun or shade) and the soil conditions.
Cornell Botanical Gardens Bioswale Garden
As part of the project to build the Nevin Welcome Center, a new parking lot and the adjacent bioswale were completed in 2010. The bioswale is designed to slow and clean storm water runoff from the parking lot while providing an attractive garden landscape which is more ecologically-minded than a traditional storm drain system. Check out how they achieved their goal.
High Line Plant List
Ever wonder what plant you saw on your last visit to the High Line. Their complete plant list as of 2/1/2017 is a click away.
Butterfly Larval Host Plant List - PennState Extention
The butterfly species on this list are all native to Pennsylvania.
Audubon Plants for Birds
You can simply enter your zip code to use Audubon’s native plants database and view a list of the best plants for birds in your area.
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology
All About Birdhouses: How to make a Safe, Successful Home for our Feathered Freinds - For many species of birds, there is a shortage of great places to nest. There may be birds that would love to call your habitat home, but they have a specific nesting requirement which needs to be met. Birdhouses can be placed in backyards, schoolyards, parks, orchards, farms, pastures, cemeteries, woodlots, deserts, name it. Support more nesting birds, and give a bird a home. Use these resources to become the ultimate nest box landlord; find out what features make a birdhouse ideal, which species you can attract to your area, and how to troubleshoot any problems that arise.
ASPCA Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List (Dogs)
A guide containing images and information about toxic and non-toxic plants.
Brooklyn Bride Park - Mantis Guide
Help identify native vs exotic Praying Mantis egg casings. The exotic are very aggressive and even eat our Carolina native speices.
Rutgers University Landscape Plants Rated by Deer Resistance
This site lets users get a list of landscape plants rated according to their resistance to deer damage. The list was compiled with input from nursery and landscape professionals, Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Cooperative Extension personnel, and Master Gardeners in Northern N.J.
New Jersey Weed Gallery
Rutgers - New Jersey Agricultural Station has a wonderful website with photos of various weeds in our area. Once selected the site gives more descriptive information about the weed but they do not suggests any weed control recommendations.
Problems with Over-Mulching Trees and Shrubs
This Fact Sheet developed by Rutgers - Cooperative Extension explains with examples the proper ways to mulch trees and shrubs. It also explains with phots how to NOT mulch. Very information
Click here to find out more on Mulching
How and when to Prune Hydrangeas, Shrubs & Perennials - Proven Winners
If you have questions about pruning such as when the best time is to cut back your hydrangeas, how far down the stems should you prune, or how to clean up a shrub with dead branches, you’ve come to the right place. Find the answers to these and many more pruning questions here.