Carpinus caroliniana

American Hornbeam

American Hornbeam is a tough, beautiful native tree which performs well in a wide variety of site conditions. Its green veined leaves and habit look somewhat like American Beech trees, and its interesting 2" hanging winged seed bracts add to its appeal in summer. It performs very well when transplanted from containers, and can be used in full sun or shade locations as well as sites which are periodically flooded.  Native to the US, Carpinus caroliniana can handle full shade and is often found as an understory plant in forests and along rivers.  The fall color is attractive, varying from yellow through orange to reddish purple hues. It can be pruned to make a good tight hedge, like its European cousin, C. betulus.

The leaves of Carpinus caroliniana act as a larval host for the caterpillar of the Io moth, a large and ostentatiously colored species of giant silk moth with overt eyespots on its hindwings. Eastern Tiger Swallowtails, Striped hairstreak butterflies, Red-spotted purple butterflies, and White Admiral butterflies also utilize American hornbeams as one of their chosen larval hosts, and the grazing of their caterpillar babies can occasionally be found on the foliage. Although the male and female catkins are wind-pollinated and do not rely on the assistance of insects, the papery, winged nutlets are eaten by various birds and mammals, which in turn help to distribute the next generation of trees far and wide.

A 2020 PHS Gold Medal Plant.


Qty Description Comments Future Crop Future Crop Ready Date
4 Carpinus caroliniana #15 6-7'+ (1.25-1.50) (NATIVE) Login for pricing
0 Carpinus caroliniana #20 (NATIVE) 50_50_25 8/1_8/15_9/1 Login for pricing
0 Carpinus caroliniana #30 (NATIVE) 17 4/1 Login for pricing
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