Dicentra eximia

Fringed Bleeding Heart

Fringed Bleeding Heart combines pink heart-shaped pendant flowers held on arching stems with attractive dissected gray green leaves. Dicentra eximia starts flowering in late spring and continues blooming well into the summer, especially if the weather is cool.  A native wildflower of the eastern United States that typically occurs on forest floors, rocky woods and ledges in the Appalachian Mountains. The ferny foliage is attractive all summer, unlike Dicentra spectabilis. Under moist conditions Fringed Bleeding Heart will often rebloom into late summer, especially if deadheaded.  It spreads by self-seeding and seed dispersal by ants.  It grows best in well drained shady locations.  Visited by hummingbirds and long tongued native bees.

  • Category: Perennials
  • Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Height: 12 Inches
  • Spread: 18 Inches
  • Bloom Color: Pink
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17 Dicentra eximia #1 (NATIVE-pink) 320 5/15 Login for pricing
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