Monarda fistulosa

Eastern Bee Balm - Wild Bergamot

Wild Beramot is a lovely native perennial that thrives in prairie conditions and poor soil sites.  The pinking lavender tube-like flowers are held in a circle around the bracts, and persist through mid to late summer.  The aromatic foliage is deer resistant and smells minty when brushed against.  Monarda fistulosa is a good addition to wild flower gardens and prairie gardens.  Wild Bergamot is a reliable self-seeder and a wonderful butterfly and hummingbird attractor. Attracts many pollinators, including clearwing hawk moths.


Qty Description Comments Future Crop Future Crop Ready Date
54 Monarda fistulosa #1 (NATIVE-lavender) 500 7/15 Login for pricing
Substitutions are Available