Oenothera berlanderi 'Siskiyou'
Evening Primrose
‘Siskiyou’ Evening Primrose has excellent tolerance of dry gravelly sites, and its vigorous spreading habit makes it a good groundcover for tough sunny sites. The finely dissected green foliage is crowned in summer by soft pink saucer shaped flowers which open in the evening. Since Oenothera berlanderi ‘Siskiyou’ blooms during the night, it is attractive to moths as well as butterflies. A good choice for green roofs, rock gardens and road sides, but it can be an aggressive groundcover.
- Category: Perennials
- Alternate Cultivar: Siskiyou
- Hardiness Zone: 5
- Height: 8 Inches
- Spread: 18 Inches
- Bloom Color: Pink
Qty | Description | Comments | Future Crop | Future Crop Ready Date | |
196 | Oenothera berlanderi Siskiyou #1 (NATIVE-soft pink) | 15 | 9/1 | Login for pricing |