Quercus macrocarpa

Bur Oak

Underutilized and long-lived, this North American native, Quercus macrocarpa, is a large deciduous shade tree capable of growing up to 80’ high and wide, preferring dry upland conditions and capable of being planted as a specimen on a lawn, or as a shade tree in park plantings. Bur Oak acorns are 1.5” inch oval fruits adorned with fringed caps that have a burry appearance which give this species its common name. Despite their long pre-development period, acorns are critical food sources for wildlife and provide vital proteins and nutrients to small mammals. Similarly, the massive, rounded crown provides shelter to many nesting and migrating bird species. In autumn, the large, fiddle-shaped leaves take on a yellow hue before turning brown and persisting on the plant throughout much of the winter. The marcescent leaves, along with the ridged, corky bark, make for wonderful, textural interest in the winter landscape. In spring, the yellowish-green catkins emerge alongside the leaf buds, the latter of which become leathery, dark green leaves with rounded lobes that provide excellent shade cover in the heat of the summer. Luckily, Bur Oak thrives in full sun conditions and can tolerate periods of drought, although it is highly adaptable to a variety of soil types and conditions including clay soils.


Qty Description Comments Future Crop Future Crop Ready Date
0 Quercus macrocarpa #20 (NATIVE-Bur Oak) 30 9/1 Login for pricing
Soil Conditions
Attracts Wildlife
Food Source for Wildlife
Foliage Color
Tree Type
Winter Interest