Rhododendron maximum 'Roseum Bluestem'

Rosebay Rhododendron

'Roseum Bluestem' Rosebay Rhododendron blooms in late May and early June, producing pinkish lavender trusses over large narrow evergreen foliage.  'Roseum Bluestem' gets its name from the reddish stems, and is a selection by Rarefind Nursery of Jackson, NJ.  Like other selections of Rhododendron maximum 'Roseum', Rhododendron 'Blue Stem' flowers for a long time, in between R. catawbiense and R. maximum bloom time.

Qty Description Comments Future Crop Future Crop Ready Date
0 Rhododendron maximum Roseum Bluestem #10 (NATIVE-lavender/pink) 50 4/15 Login for pricing
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