
Viola sororia

Common Violet

What Viola sororia lacks in height it makes up for in charm! Diminutive groundcover Viola soraria is a native annual that spreads easily by rhizomes throughout forests of North America. Most recognized as Common Blue Violet, this lovely little species has earned a variety of nicknames across its many territories - Wild Violet, Dooryard Violet, Meadow Violet, Sister Violet, Wood Violet… the list goes on! The namesake flowers experience an incredibly long and early bloom period, beginning sometimes as early as March and continuing well into June. Viola sororia is known as a favorite nectar snack of specialized Andrena bees. Interestingly, the flowers of Common Blue Violet are not always blue, or violet! Sometimes they can appear pink, pale lavender, or white with purple speckles, making Viola soraria a sort of garden mystery bag. During the summer months, trickster flower buds emerge but never open above the spade-shaped foliage. These are known as cleistogamous flowers, which skip the pollination process and develop directly into fertile fruits. This helps the plant to reproduce throughout its natural habitat, the woodland understory, where one might notice the proliferation of violet flowers and foliage. This is due to its resistance to browsing by deer, making it a wonderful solution for landscapes that experience high deer pressure. Aside from this species’ tolerance of shady conditions, it is also well suited for consistently moist to wet soils.


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350 Viola sororia QUART (blue/purple) sold 15 pots per tray Login for pricing
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