Baptisia australis

Blue False Indigo

Blue False Indigo, also known as Redneck Lupine, has blue pea-like flowers and glaucous trifoliate leaves.  Asparagus-like buds emerge from the ground in early spring and grow to form a dense bushy long-lived perennial.  Baptisia australis blooms in May and June and is frequented by bees and butterflies.  After flowering deep purple seed pods develop adding interest and sound to the garden.  All Baptisia have deep tap roots and spend the first year or two developing them so site them carefully and expect the real flower show in the third year.  Also Baptisias are very roadside salt and dry site tolerant. 2010 Perennial Plant of the Year.

PRN Preferred:  Easy to grow and does not grow too big.

  • Category: Perennials
  • Hardiness Zone: 4
  • Height: 40 Inches
  • Spread: 36 Inches
  • Bloom Color: Blue


Qty Description Comments Future Crop Future Crop Ready Date
132 Baptisia australis #1 (NATIVE-blue) 500_1,500 6/1_9/1 Login for pricing
Substitutions are Available