Carex plantaginea

Seersucker Sedge

Seersucker Sedge lives up to its common name with its wide green leaves that are "puckered like Christmas ribbon", as those articulate folks at North Creek Nurseries say.  Carex plantaginea is native to eastern North America.  It tolerates moist locations and adds winter interest because this Carex is evergreen.  Plants slowly colonize from short rhizomes and by producing occasional seedlings.  The seeds are a food source for woodland birds including wild turkey.  It’s very quick to establish in rain gardens and on wooded slopes.

PRN Preferred:  We love the unique, seersucker texture of the foliage and the purplish inflorescences.

  • Category: Grasses
  • Hardiness Zone: 4
  • Height: 10 Inches
  • Spread: 12 Inches
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424 Carex plantaginea #1 (NATIVE) 1,000 9/1 Login for pricing
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