Viola walteri 'Silver Gem'
Prostrate Blue Violet
'Silver Gem' Prostrate Blue Violet has beautiful silvery heart-shaped foliage, crowned in March by bluish lavender flowers. The undersides of the leaves are burgundy, making a striking contrast to the silver-netted tops. The trailing habit of this tough native Violet makes it an excellent shade groundcover or rock garden plant. Viola 'Silver Gem' reblooms sporadically throughout the summer. Mt. Cuba found this little beauty and the folks at North Creek introduced it.
- Category: Perennials
- Alternate Cultivar: Silver Gem
- Hardiness Zone: 6
- Height: 4 Inches
- Spread: 6 Inches
- Bloom Color: Blue, Lavender/Purple
Qty | Description | Comments | Future Crop | Future Crop Ready Date | |
161 | Viola walteri Silver Gem #1 (NATIVE-violet blue) | 720 | 9/1 | Login for pricing |