Calycanthus floridus


Calycanthus floridus has dark maroon flowers in May and June that are often fragrant.  Plants will vary from no scent to highly fragrant; the flower fragrance has been described as a combination of melon, pineapple, strawberry, and banana.  Sweetshrub is wet site and dry shade tolerant and the fall color is yellow.  Sweetshrub is also referred to as Carolina Allspice and is native from Virginia to Florida.  Sweetshrub's leaves are aromatic when bruised and the shrub will sucker and often forms colonies in the wild.  Calycanthus is distantly related to Magnolias.


Qty Description Comments Future Crop Future Crop Ready Date
33 Calycanthus floridus #3 12-15 (NATIVE-dark maroon) 400_200 7/15_7/15 Login for pricing
16 Calycanthus floridus #7 30-36 (NATIVE-dark maroon) 100 7/15 Login for pricing
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