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PHS Gold Medal Plant Plants

Success! The following plants match your search request. We've included all matches below. Click on any plant to learn additional details.

Paperbark Maple

Acer griseum

Few trees are as showy as the Paperbark Maple, with its cinnamon colored exfoliating bark. The fine-textured leaves have 3 leaflets and change from dark green with silvery undersides in summer to shades of red and bronze in fall. Acer griseum makes a neat oval-shaped small tree which fits into both small and large scale landscapes well.

H: 30 Feet  ·   S: 20 Feet  ·   Zone: 5

Kamchatka Bugbane

Actaea simplex 'Hillside Black Beauty' PP9988

'Hillside Black Beauty' Kamchatka Bugbane has white fragrant flowers in late summer that tower over dark purple foliage. A great source of nectar and pollen for insects. The leaf color is particularly intense in early summer before bloom time.

H: 48 Inches  ·   S: 36 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

Bottlebrush Buckeye

Aesculus parviflora

Creamy white flowers on Aesculus parviflora appear in summer on long panicles. Bottlebrush Buckeye offers golden yellow fall color. Aesculus parviflora is a wonderful addition to the landscape to attract hummingbirds. Our neighbor nurseryman Dick Karkalits says it is an absolutely foolproof plant for just about any location, and we agree.

H: 10 Feet  ·   S: 10 Feet  ·   Zone: 4

Red Buckeye

Aesculus pavia

The Red Buckeye is named for its striking showy 5" red upright flower panicles, which appear on the ends of its branches in May. Aesculus pavia's foliage is dark green in summer, turning to yellow in early fall. It produces the lustrous brown chestnuts that we all loved as children and squirrels go crazy for them. It can be grown as a very large wide shrub or as a small slow growing tree.

H: 20 Feet  ·   S: 15 Feet  ·   Zone: 4

Anise Hyssop

Agastache x 'Blue Fortune'

'Blue Fortune' Anise Hyssop has blue flowers mid summer to fall, and fragrant foliage. From the Trompenberg Arboretum in Holland. Agastache bloom time is prolonged by dead heading. Loved by butterflies and other insects.

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 6

Arkansas Amsonia

Amsonia hubrichtii

The delicate light blue flowers of Arkansas Amsonia appear in May. It also has stunning orange and yellow fall foliage. This tough multi-season plant can handle a broad range of site conditions. 2011 Perennial Plant of the Year, and Dr. J.C. Raulston's favorite perennial.

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 36 Inches  ·   Zone: 5

Red Chokeberry

Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima'

Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima' is a deciduous shrub with white flowers in May. The bright red fruit of this Red Chokeberry ripens in late summer and persists into winter. The glossy foliage turns brilliant red in fall. This cultivar forms a suckering colony and is wet site and salt tolerant.

H: 8 Feet  ·   S: 4 Feet  ·   Zone: 4

Black Chokeberry

Aronia melanocarpa 'Viking'

'Viking' Black Chokeberry has glossy dark green leaves which turn a striking red in fall. The white, spring flowers are followed by large purplish black fruit, which birds love (and they are full of anti-oxidants). The site adaptability (Aronia melanocarpa 'Viking' likes both wet and dry conditions) and the suckering habit make it an excellent shrub for reclamation use, as well as an attractive landscape plant. Dr. Mark Brand of Connecticut found this native beauty.

H: 6 Feet  ·   S: 6 Feet  ·   Zone: 4

Aromatic Aster

Aster oblongifolius 'October Skies'

'October Skies' Aromatic Aster has medium blue flowers in September and October. 'October Skies' is tolerant of dry, poor soil sites. A Primrose Path introduction (New name is Symphyotricum oblongifolium).

H: 24 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 5


Betula nigra Heritage® PP4409

Heritage® ('Cully') Riverbirch is one of the best Birches for the Northeast, from extraordinary plantsman Earl Cully. Beautiful creamy exfoliating bark, disease and borer resistant, wet site tolerant, fast growth habit, we could go on and on...

H: 50 Feet  ·   S: 30 Feet  ·   Zone: 3

Common Boxwood

Buxus sempervirens 'Dee Runk'

'Dee Runk' Common Boxwood has glossy dark green foliage that makes its conical shape a standout. It is evergreen, disease resistant and slow growing and is an exciting newcomer to the Boxwood scene.

H: 10 Feet  ·   S: 3 Feet  ·   Zone: 6


Buxus x 'Green Velvet'

'Green Velvet' Boxwood is a very hardy selection from Sheridan Nurseries in Canada. Glossy evergreen foliage on a round maintenance free shrub.

H: 3 Feet  ·   S: 4 Feet  ·   Zone: 5


Calycanthus floridus 'Michael Lindsey'

'Michael Lindsey' Sweetshrub has reddish brown flowers that are consistently, gorgeously fragrant, blooming for a prolonged period in April and May over dark, lustrous green foliage. Fall color of Calycanthus floridus 'Michael Lindsey' is a clear yellow. Selected by Allen Bush of Holbrook Farm & Nursery in North Carolina. It is also wet site tolerant. Extremely verticillium resistant per Rick Darke.

H: 8 Feet  ·   S: 5 Feet  ·   Zone: 4


Camellia japonica 'Korean Fire'

'Korean Fire' Camellia has bright red single flowers on an upright plant. A very cold-hardy introduction found by Barry Yinger in Korea. Blooms in April and May and is evergreen.

H: 10 Feet  ·   S: 6 Feet  ·   Zone: 6

Chinese Trumpetcreeper

Campsis grandiflora 'Morning Calm'

'Morning Calm' Chinese Trumpetcreeper has huge open-faced flowers that are orange, apricot and yellow. Slower growing and more woody, Campsis grandiflora 'Morning Calm' knows its place in the landscape better than the native form. Introduced by the JC Raulston Arboretum in Raleigh, NC.

H: 20 Feet  ·   Zone: 6

American Hornbeam

Carpinus caroliniana

American Hornbeam is a tough, beautiful native tree which performs well in a wide variety of site conditions. Its green veined leaves and habit look somewhat like American Beech trees, and its interesting 2" hanging winged seed bracts add to its appeal in summer. It performs very well when transplanted from containers, and can be used in full sun or shade locations as well as sites which are periodically flooded. The fall color is attractive, varying from yellow through orange to reddish purple hues. It can be pruned to make a good tight hedge, like its European cousin, C. betulus.

H: 35 Feet  ·   S: 25 Feet  ·   Zone: 3


Cephalanthus occidentalis Sugar Shack® PP26543

Sugar Shack® ('SMCOSS') Buttonbush is a more compact version of our interesting native Cephalanthus. The white puffball flowers appear in mid to late summer, attracting butterflies and other pollinators. The blooms are followed by red mace shaped fruit and burgundy foliage in the fall, providing food for wildlife as well as visual interest. Cephalanthus is very wet site tolerant (we first saw it while canoeing as little children), so it is an excellent bog, bioswale or rain garden shrub.

H: 4 Feet  ·   S: 4 Feet  ·   Zone: 4

Plum Yew

Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Duke Gardens'

Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Duke Gardens' has dark evergreen foliage and a tight, compact form. 'Duke Gardens' Plum Yew is excellent in shade but will tolerate sun as well. Originally found at The Sarah P. Duke Gardens in North Carolina, as a branch sport of C. Fastigiata.

H: 3 Feet  ·   S: 4 Feet  ·   Zone: 6

Prostrate Plum Yew

Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Prostrata'

Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Prostrata' has dark evergreen foliage and looks like Taxus baccata 'Repandens' on steroids. Prostrate Plum Yew loves shady, dry locations. Best substitute for low growing Taxus in deer situations.

H: 3 Feet  ·   S: 8 Feet  ·   Zone: 6


Ceratostigma plumbaginoides

Ceratostigma plumbaginoides is a Leadwort or Plumbago with cobalt blue flowers in late summer. The green foliage turns a reddish purple in the fall. The new foliage appears late in the spring.

H: 12 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 5

Eastern Redbud

Cercis canadensis 'Appalachia'

'Appalachia' Red Eastern Redbud has deep reddish purple buds that open to bright neon pink flowers in April and May. Cercis canadensis 'Appalachia' was found by Dr. Max Byrkit in Maryland.

H: 30 Feet  ·   S: 25 Feet  ·   Zone: 5

Eastern Redbud

Cercis canadensis The Rising Sun™ PP21451

The Rising Sun™ ('JN2') Redbud is one of the most stunning plants we have ever seen, with foliage that starts as peachy apricot, maturing through chartreuse-yellow to a final deep green. Since all three color phases are present at the same time in late spring and summer, the effect is spectacular. The blooms are the classic Redbud lavender in April and May. It was found and introduced by Ray Jackson of Belvidere, Tennessee.

H: 15 Feet  ·   S: 12 Feet  ·   Zone: 5


Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips'

'Hot Lips' Turtlehead has clear pink flowers in July, shiny green foliage, and is wet site tolerant. It spreads slowly to make a large patch eventually, so it can be used as a tall groundcover. This is a wonderful introduction selected by Native Plant guru Dale Hendricks, which he named after a co-worker as a nickname.

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

White Fringetree

Chionanthus virginicus

White Fringetree has intensely fragrant, fluffy white panicle flowers in May, followed by bird attracting bluish purple fruit if plant is female (dioecious). Fall color ranges from a yellowish green to to a bright golden yellow. Chionanthus virginicus is also wet site tolerant.

H: 15 Feet  ·   S: 10 Feet  ·   Zone: 4