Sandy Plants
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Acer griseum
Few trees are as showy as the Paperbark Maple, with its cinnamon colored exfoliating bark. The fine-textured leaves have 3 leaflets and change from dark green with silvery undersides in summer to shades of red and bronze in fall. Acer griseum makes a neat oval-shaped small tree which fits into both small and large scale landscapes well.
H: 30 Feet · S: 20 Feet · Zone: 5

Acer rubrum Armstrong Gold® PP25301
Green summer foliage turns bright golden orange in fall. Excellent street tree with good tolerance to a number of environmental conditions.
H: 40 Feet · S: 12 Feet · Zone: 4

Acer rubrum October Glory® PP2116
October Glory® Red Maple has green leaves following the attractive red flowers which are one of the earliest signs of spring for us in the Northeast. The fall color of October Glory® is a deep rich red and occurs 2 weeks later than other cultivars. This oval-shaped, wet site tolerant tree was found by our father, William Flemer III and has proved to be one of the best cultivars for Southern hot summers.
H: 40 Feet · S: 25 Feet · Zone: 4

Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset'
The uniformly rounded head of Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset' ('Franksred') is set off by early red flowers in spring and bright reddish orange foliage in fall. This wet site tolerant native was introduced by J. Frank Schmidt Nursery in Oregon.
H: 45 Feet · Zone: 4

Acer rubrum Redpointe® PP16769
Leathery dark green foliage, insignificant blooms in spring. Strong central leaded and vivid red early fall color.
H: 45 Feet · S: 30 Feet · Zone: 4

Achillea millefolium
A long-blooming perennial with delicate white flowers from May to September that attract both bees and butterflies. Highly dissected, fern-like, grey-green foliage provides interesting texture throughout the growing season. Pleasant fragrance makes it great for use in the sensory or medicinal garden. Heat, humidity, drought, and salt tolerant.
H: 30 Inches · S: 30 Inches · Zone: 3

Achillea millefolium 'Sassy Summer Sangria' PP31355
Deep red flat flower clumps held on sturdy stems above green fernlike foliage. Blooms most of the summer if deadheaded.
H: 36 Inches · S: 40 Inches · Zone: 3

Achillea millefolium 'Sassy Summer Silver' PP31754
Soft yellow flat flower clumps are held on long stems above ferny green foliage clumps. Blooms for extended period in the summer.
H: 28 Inches · S: 32 Inches · Zone: 3

Achillea millefolium 'Sassy Summer Sunset' PP31412
Dark orange flat flower clumps held on tall sturdy stems above ferny green foliage. Blooms for most of summer if deadheaded.
H: 34 Inches · S: 24 Inches · Zone: 3

Achillea millefolium 'Sassy Summer Taffy' PP31755
Deep pink to soft pink flower clumps on sturdy stems over green fern-like foliage. Bloom period is from early to late summer when deadheaded.
H: 30 Inches · S: 24 Inches · Zone: 3

Achillea millefolium Saucy Seduction™ PP20782
Saucy Seduction™ Yarrow blooms from June to August, with rosy pink flat-topped flowers above fine fern-like leaves. Achillea millifolium Saucy Seduction™ spreads slowly by rhizomes to form a broad patch eventually, so it works well as a groundcover for dry sites. The blooms are held on long stems and make an attractive fresh or dried cut flower. One of the Seduction™ Series, originating in the Netherlands and introduced by Blooms of Bressingham®.
H: 18 Inches · S: 24 Inches · Zone: 4

Achillea millefolium 'Strawberry Seduction' PP18401
'Strawberry Seduction' has bright red dome-shaped flowers starting in June. The blooms sport bright yellow eyes, and the flowers turn creamy yellow as they mature. The strong stems make them an excellent cut flower, and deadheading will result in a longer blooming season. A Blooms of Bressingham® introduction, and hybridized by Sahin in the Netherlands. All Yarrows are not only deer resistant, but also very dry site tolerant.
H: 18 Inches · S: 24 Inches · Zone: 4

Achillea ptarmica 'Peter Cottontail' PP31756
Round button-like white flowers cover green mounded plant in mid to late summer. Deer resistant and dry site tolerant.
H: 20 Inches · S: 20 Inches · Zone: 3

Achillea x 'Moonshine'
The bright yellow flat flowers of 'Moonshine' Yarrow appear in mid to late summer above ferny silvery gray foliage. Salt and dry site tolerant, Achillea x 'Moonshine' is a Blooms of Bressingham® selection.
H: 24 Inches · S: 12 Inches · Zone: 3

Agastache x 'Pink Pearl' PPAF
Profuse spikes of dense, light pink flowers cover this mounding perennial from June to September. Deer resistant due to highly fragrant foliage, and a sought-after food source for hummingbirds.
H: 16 Inches · S: 16 Inches · Zone: 6

Allium 'Medusa' PP28701
Light purple drumstick flowers appear above gray-green twisty strap-like leaves in late summer and early fall. Deer proof!
H: 22 Inches · S: 24 Inches · Zone: 4

Allium 'Millenium'
'Millenium' Ornamental Onion blooms in July and August, producing lots of 2" purplish lavender round clusters of flowers like drumsticks on 15" stems. The onion scented leaves are glossy and strap-like, making a thick clump from which the long lasting blooms arise. Many insects and butterflies feed off them but deer and rabbits will not touch them. All Ornamental Onions do well under Black Walnuts. Allium 'Millenium' is the product of Mark McDonough's hard work with Ornamental Onions. 2018 Perennial Plant of the Year.
H: 18 Inches · S: 12 Inches · Zone: 5

Allium cernuum
Allium cernuum, or nodding Pink Onion, is a tough deer resistant bulb plant which is crowned by multiple pink flower umbels. The blooms appear above the green strap-like leaves in July and August. These are followed by attractive tan seedheads. The clumps increase in size as time goes on and the bulbs can be divided and spread to make a lovely addition to short meadows in mid summer. Self-seeds vigorously in the garden.
H: 16 Inches · S: 12 Inches · Zone: 3