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Search Results for 'Styrax'

Success! The following plants match your search request. We've included all matches below. Click on any plant to learn additional details.

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Japanese Snowbell

Styrax japonicus 'Evening Light' PP24168

'Evening Light' Japanese Snowbell is an exciting new color break for this lovely small ornamental tree. The leaves emerge for a glossy purple in spring, followed be graceful hanging white bells. The growth habit is slow, resulting in an upright, vase shaped tree which fits well into small, sunny spots in the garden. When Styrax 'Evening Light' is in bloom, pollinators flock to the fragrant flowers. Found as a chance seeding by Henry Kolster of the Netherlands.

H: 10 Feet  ·   S: 5 Feet  ·   Zone: 5

Fragrant Snowbell

Styrax obassia

Fragrant Snowbell has fragrant white flowers in long showy panicles in May. Styrax obassia is a lovely small tree for a shady, naturalistic spot, and very impressive when in full bloom. The leaves are much larger than Japanese Snowbell leaves.

H: 25 Feet  ·   S: 18 Feet  ·   Zone: 5