Carex eburnea

Bristleleaf Sedge

Rare and endangered in its natural habitat, Carex eburnea is a gem of a native sedge that provides fine, delicate texture to the shady, dry landscape. In areas with partial to full shade and rocky or sandy soils, Bristle-leaf Sedge can be used as a lawn alternative, although it is most commonly used as a soft textural accent to the front or edge of the rock garden or dry shade border. Carex eburnea makes a lovely groundcover when allowed to naturalize, and if left to its own devices in a large space, may colonize by rhizome. Deer tend to ignore Bristle-leaf Sedge, leaving its elegant foliage intact, although this particular species requires partial shade in order to thrive.

  • Category: Grasses
  • Hardiness Zone: 2
  • Height: 8 Inches
  • Spread: 8 Inches
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0 Carex eburnea QUART (NATIVE) sold 12 pots per tray 384 6/15 Login for pricing
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