Cornus florida 'Appalachian Spring'

Flowering Dogwood

'Appalachian Spring' Flowering Dogwood has white flowers in April and May and good red fall foliage. 'Appalachian Spring' is resistant to Dogwood Anthracnose! Introduced by the University of Tennessee. Blooms heavily at a young age, but is a slow starter as a young tree.  The parent plant was found in the wild in Maryland, where all the surrounding C. floridas were dead of Anthracnose.

PRN Preferred:  A more disease resistant native Dogwood cultivar.

  • Category: Woody Ornamentals
  • Alternate Cultivar: Appalachian Spring
  • Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Height: 30 Feet
  • Spread: 25 Feet
  • Bloom Color: White


Qty Description Comments Future Crop Future Crop Ready Date
0 Cornus florida Appalachian Spring #7 (NATIVE-anth-resist, white) 40 8/1 Login for pricing
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