Helleborus x Frostkiss® 'Molly's White' PP25685

Hybrid Hellebore

Frostkiss® 'Molly's White' Lenten Rose has lots of lime to white sterile flowers starting in February.  A product of Hellebore breeder Rodney Davey's work, Frostkiss® 'Molly's White' has evergreen foliage with an attractive overlay of silver netting on the green leaves.  This Hellebore starts in winter and continues until April, when the flowers take on shades of green.  Deer resistant and long lived, Hellebore 'Molly's White' is a great addition to shade gardens as well as woodland sites.

  • Category: Perennials
  • Alternate Cultivar: EPBRD1'
  • Patent: PP25685
  • Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Height: 24 Inches
  • Spread: 24 Inches
  • Bloom Color: White
Qty Description Comments Future Crop Future Crop Ready Date
36 Helleborus x Frostkiss Molly's White #1 (single white/cream) Light bud & bloom Login for pricing
Substitutions are Available