Lonicera pileata

Privet Honeysuckle

Privet Honeysuckle is a beautiful evergreen shrub with low horizontal branches that will root-in and slowly spread over time, making it a good choice as a woody groundcover or as a slope stabilizer.  Native to China, it is salt tolerant and does well in seashore settings.  It is easy to shape by pruning and is an excellent choice for shady deer-dominated areas.  Lonicera pileata often produces glowing amethyst fruits in late summer on older plants. 

PRN Preferred:  Works much better than any Cotoneaster as a groundcover.  This evergreen works well in dry sites.


Qty Description Comments Future Crop Future Crop Ready Date
82 Lonicera pileata #3 15-18w 500 7/15 Login for pricing
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