
Prunus virginiana 'Canada Red'


Prunus virginiana ‘Canada Red’ is a North American native deciduous tree with dark reddish-purple foliage throughout the growing season, and is known for producing shiny purple-black fruits that are attractive to birds, and which can be processed into jams and jellies for human consumption. Although the foliage emerges green, it matures to a deep burgundy purple, and due to the fast growth rate and dense branching structure of ‘Canada Red’ Chokecherry, it is quick to create a shady canopy of dark foliage without becoming too tall or unmanageable. In fact, its medium height makes it appropriate for planting under power lines and utility poles, while its fragrant white flowers make it perfect for adding as a woody specimen to the pollinator or native garden where it’s sure to attract many different spring pollinators from April to May.


Qty Description Comments Future Crop Future Crop Ready Date
11 Prunus virginiana Canada Red #20 7-8'+ (1.25-1.50) (NATIVE) NEW! 30 8/1 Login for pricing