Sassafras albidum

Common Sassafras

Common Sassafras is a lovely small native tree that is hard to find in the trade because of the difficulty moving it B&B. We grow it in containers for that reason, and love its variable multi-shaped leaves. The flowers appear in early April and are an attractive chartreuse yellow, making a show before the leaves appear. The fall color varies from yellow to orange bronze. The root bark has been used traditionally to make an interesting tea or root beer. If you have a mature female tree, be sure to look closely at the summer fruit, which is one of the prettiest we've ever seen, with red pedicels and orange yellow bases on purple fruits, looking like match-sticks. Sassafras is a host plant for various butterflies.  Prefers good moisture and organic matter. Sassafras, like Betula, is a pioneer species, so it performs well in disturbed sites.


Qty Description Comments Future Crop Future Crop Ready Date
0 Sassafras albidum #7 (NATIVE) 50 8/15 Login for pricing
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