Buddleia davidii 'Miss Molly' PP23425

Butterfly Bush

'Miss Molly' Butterfly Bush starts blooming in July and continues all summer without deadheading.  The fragrant flowers are pinkish rub red and plentiful.  Buddleia davidii 'Miss Molly' is a midsized Butterfly Bush, so it works well in the back of perennial beds as well as a low hedge.  Butterflies and hummingbirds consume the nectar all summer.  Another beauty from Dr Dennis Werner of NC State, who crossed 'Miss Ruby' with 'Attraction' to produce 'Miss Molly'.

  • Category: Woody Ornamentals
  • Alternate Cultivar: Miss Molly
  • Patent: PP23425
  • Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Height: 4 Feet
  • Spread: 4 Feet
  • Bloom Color: Pink, Red


Qty Description Comments Future Crop Future Crop Ready Date
272 Buddleia davidii Miss Molly #3 12-15 (ruby red-pink) 84 8/1 Login for pricing
Substitutions are Available