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Wet Plants

Success! The following plants match your search request. We've included all matches below. Click on any plant to learn additional details.

Red Maple

Acer rubrum Redpointe® PP16769

Leathery dark green foliage, insignificant blooms in spring. Strong central leaded and vivid red early fall color.

H: 45 Feet  ·   S: 30 Feet  ·   Zone: 4

Acorus americanus
American Sweet Flag

Acorus americanus

Prehistoric, hydrophilic species of ancient monocot with strappy medium green foliage that emits a pleasant aroma when crushed. Spadix-like structures lacking spathes emerge between June and July. Great for bioremediation and restoration projects where soils are regularly moist or over-saturated. Deer resistant.

H: 30 Inches  ·   S: 30 Inches  ·   Zone: 3

Dwarf Golden Sweet Flag

Acorus gramineus 'Minimus Aureus'

Dwarf Golden Sweet Flag is a wonderful plant for walkways as well as rain gardens and stream edges, because it is tolerant of foot traffic as well as significant moisture. The evergreen foliage is like tiny thick bladed grass tufts and when crushed, it releases an attractive sweet scent. The tufts slowly expand to make a short yellowish green mat. Although it looks like a grass, Acorus gramineus 'Minimus Aureus' is actually more closely related to the Iris family.

H: 4 Inches  ·   S: 8 Inches  ·   Zone: 5

Sweet Flag

Acorus gramineus 'Ogon'

'Ogon' Sweet Flag has bright yellow stiffly upright leaves that are a vivid addition to a wet site in the shade. The clumps of Acorus 'Ogon' get larger with age. This Sweet Flag is evergreen so it provides great winter interest. Introduced into the US by Barry Yinger. Per Diane Guidone formerly of Rumson, NJ, Acorus withstood salt inundation in the recent hurricanes really well.

H: 16 Inches  ·   S: 12 Inches  ·   Zone: 5

Maidenhair Fern

Adiantum pedatum

Five Finger Maidenhair Fern is a lovely woodland native, thriving in moist humus rich soils. Preferring cool summer temperatures, Adiantum pedatum is hardy all the way to zone 2. The bright green airy fronds are made more attractive by the shiny wiry black stems. Since Maidenhair Fern spreads by rhizomes on the surface of moist soils, it can eventually form an excellent woodland groundcover. This fern will not perform well in full sun or hot summer sites.

H: 18 Inches  ·   S: 18 Inches  ·   Zone: 2

Apple Serviceberry

Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Robin Hill'

Clusters of pink buds open to pinkish white flowers over clean oval green leaves in early spring. Purplish blue fruit in June is edible by both people and birds. Good fall color.

H: 20 Feet  ·   S: 15 Feet  ·   Zone: 4

Amorpha fruticosa
False Indigo Bush

Amorpha fruticosa

H: 8 Feet  ·   S: 10 Feet  ·   Zone: 4

Bushy Bluestem

Andropogon glomeratus

Warm season grass with silvery pink, fluffy, brush-like inflorescences and following seedheads starting in September and persisting through much of winter into February or March. Strappy blue-green leaf blades turn a nice bronzy-orange in autumn and remain colorful into the winter. Showy seedheads are good for dried or fresh arrangements. Prefers moist to wet soil conditions. Tolerant of black walnut and air pollution.

H: 60 Inches  ·   S: 30 Inches  ·   Zone: 5

Swamp Milkweed

Asclepias incarnata

Swamp Milkweed is a great addition to wet site gardens, with fragrant white-to-pink milkweed flowers appearing in July and August. The flat cymes are followed by interesting seed pods. Asclepias incarnata is an important Monarch butterfly food source, and it tolerates dry sites as well as wet conditions.

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 3

Swamp Milkweed

Asclepias incarnata 'Cinderella'

Bright pink cymes on tall stalks of green leaves appear in July and August. Fragrant, wet site tolerant and deer resistant.

H: 40 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 3

Swamp Milkweed

Asclepias incarnata 'Ice Ballet'

White flat flower clumps are held above green lance shaped leaves in July and August. Wet site tolerant and an important food source for Monarch butterfly larvae.

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 3

Smooth Aster

Aster laevis 'Bluebird'

'Bluebird' Smooth Aster has lots of showy bluish violet flowers in late summer and early fall over clean foliage. 'Bluebird' is a great introduction from the Mt. Cuba Center in Delaware. Ranked as the #1 Aster in an evaluation study at Mt. Cuba Center. Strong stems do not need staking (New name is Symphyotricum laeve).

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 36 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

Caltha palustris
Marsh Marigold

Caltha palustris

Sunny yellow five-petaled flowers appear in early spring from early April to June, standing 2’ high over semi-glossy, heart-shaped, deep green foliage. Spreads easily by rhizome and by seed. Wonderful for early pollinators. Tolerant of wet and boggy soils. Deer and rabbit resistant.

H: 12 Inches  ·   S: 12 Inches  ·   Zone: 3

Blue Wood Sedge

Carex flaccosperma

H: 8 Inches  ·   S: 12 Inches  ·   Zone: 5

Gray's Sedge

Carex grayi

Gray's Sedge is a tall Carex which thrives in wet and shady locations. The light green semi-evergreen foliage grows 2', and is topped by 3' flower stems. The blooms rapidly turn to fascinating 1" spiky stars which are attractive in flower arrangements, fresh or dried. Carex grayi thrives in moist to wet conditions, so it naturally occurs along stream banks and edges of ponds. It is a striking addition to rain gardens and bioswales, and tolerates full sun if kept moist.

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 5

Palm Sedge

Carex muskingumensis

H: 30 Inches  ·   S: 30 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

Low Woodland Sedge

Carex socialis

Long flowy thread-like green leaves are semi-evergreen in woodland settings. A good choice for rain gardens, erosion control and shade lawn substitutes.

H: 18 Inches  ·   S: 18 Inches  ·   Zone: 5

Fox Sedge

Carex vulpinoidea

A finely textured, wet-soil-tolerant native sedge perfect for creating a rapidly spreading groundcover matrix in the landscape. Great for streams, ponds, bioremediation projects, and naturalized wetlands.

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 36 Inches  ·   Zone: 3


Cephalanthus occidentalis

Buttonbush is a native deciduous shrub found along rivers, in bogs and in swampy area. Cephalanthus blooms in June, producing odd round balls of tiny white fragrant flowers displayed on long stalks. They look like small round pincushions, and butterflies and native pollinators flock to them. Cephalanthus is so wet site tolerant that it will flourish in standing water, and it is very helpful in preventing stream erosion. A tough native which adds an interesting element for naturalizing along rivers and woodland edges.

H: 10 Feet  ·   S: 6 Feet  ·   Zone: 5

Cephalanthus occidentalis Fiber Optics®

Cephalanthus occidentalis Fiber Optics® PP29475

A heavily-flowering native shrub with perfectly spherical blooms from June to September, followed by round fruits that are eaten by waterfowl. Selected for its compact habit and ability to withstand wet soils. Great for pollinators.

H: 5 Feet  ·   S: 5 Feet  ·   Zone: 4


Cephalanthus occidentalis Sugar Shack® PP26543

Sugar Shack® ('SMCOSS') Buttonbush is a more compact version of our interesting native Cephalanthus. The white puffball flowers appear in mid to late summer, attracting butterflies and other pollinators. The blooms are followed by red mace shaped fruit and burgundy foliage in the fall, providing food for wildlife as well as visual interest. Cephalanthus is very wet site tolerant (we first saw it while canoeing as little children), so it is an excellent bog, bioswale or rain garden shrub.

H: 4 Feet  ·   S: 4 Feet  ·   Zone: 4


Chelone glabra

Our native Turtlehead is a wonderful plant for wet sites and rain gardens. In late summer Chelone glabra produces tall spikes of white flowers which are thought to look like the heads of turtles (use your imagination). The green foliage is clean and disease-resistant. Butterflies love its flowers, especially the Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly.

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 5


Chelone glabra 'Black Ace'

Clumps of white snapdragon-like flowers in August to October over ebony green foliage. Loves really wet sites. For shorter flower spikes, pinch back somewhat in June.

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 5


Chelone obliqua 'Tiny Tortuga' PP25350

'Tiny Toruga' ('Armtipp02') Turtlehead is a compact descendant of 'Hot Lips', with the same deep pink flowers which resemble Snapdragon buds. The leaves emerge in the spring in shades of bronze and turn to deep green as the flowers emerge in July and August. Chelone 'Tiny Tortuga' colonizes slowly and loves moist to wet areas. If you studied Spanish in school, you'll recognize 'Tortuga' as 'Turtle', and get the name pun.

H: 16 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 4