Ivory/Buff Bloom Color Plants
Success! The following plants match your search request. We've included all matches below. Click on any plant to learn additional details.
Andropogon ternarius
Native warm-season grass that is great for adding height to a variety of landscapes. Attractive late season color. Tolerant of part shade, drought, coastal conditions.
H: 36 Inches · S: 18 Inches · Zone: 6

Antennaria plantaginifolia
Clusters of inconspicuous, fluffy white flowerheads with flecks of pink appear above woolly silver-gray foliage from April to June. Great for poor, rocky and sandy soils in full sun conditions.
H: 6 Inches · S: 12 Inches · Zone: 3

Bouteloua curtipendula
Tan seedheads with pendant oat-like seeds are displayed over green blades in mid to late summer. Showy in mass and tolerant of dry sterile soils. Fall color is often attractive.
H: 30 Inches · S: 20 Inches · Zone: 3

Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition' PP22048
'Blonde Ambition' Blue Grama is a lovely low maintenance native grass which has unusually shaped inflorescences. The orange to straw colored flowers are held horizontally off the stems, so that they look like tiny feathers. This is especially lovely when back lit by afternoon sun. When planted in mass, Bouteloua 'Blonde Ambition' can serve as an infrequently mowed lawn, since it does best in full sun. It was introduced by David Salman of High Country Gardens, and brought to our attention by Steve Castorani of North Creek Nurseries.
H: 24 Inches · S: 18 Inches · Zone: 4

Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster'
Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' has tan seedheads, is early blooming and has an upright habit. A 2001 Perennial Plant of the Year, 'Karl Foerster' Feather Reed Grass was named after our friend Tim Foerster's cousin, the great German nurseryman. Winter foliage is a pale tan, and 'Karl Foerster' shows excellent salt tolerance. Karl Foerster found this lovely spontaneous cross at the Hamburg Botanical Gardens.
H: 48 Inches · S: 24 Inches · Zone: 4

Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Overdam'
'Overdam' Feather Reed Grass has green and white foliage and tan upright inflorescences. Thriving in both sun and shade, this is one of our favorite grasses. Winter color is a whitish tan.
H: 36 Inches · S: 18 Inches · Zone: 4

Chasmanthium latifolium
Northern Sea Oats has showy oat-like seedheads in August over green foliage. Great for dried grass arrangements. Birds and woodland animals love the seeds especially in winter. It seeds itself readily along forest edges.
H: 36 Inches · S: 36 Inches · Zone: 5

Comptonia peregrina
Sweetfern is a small but widely suckering shrub that energetically colonizes dry, sterile areas. Foliage is green and fragrant (it's in the Bayberry family), with a fern-like texture. The semi-evergreen leaves turn bronzy green in the winter.
H: 3 Feet · S: 6 Feet · Zone: 2

Cornus alba Ivory Halo™ PP8722
Ivory Halo™ ('Bailhalo') Tatarian Dogwood has brightly variegated leaves that emerge in spring with green centers surrounded by large ivory white margins. The flat topped creamy flowers in May and June are followed by white summer fruit. The fall color is pink and reddish purple, and the winter stem color is dark red and showy. Prune out older canes in the spring to maintain the winter stem show.
H: 5 Feet · S: 5 Feet · Zone: 4

Deschampsia cespitosa
Deschampsia cespitosa has delicate green foliage topped by airy panicles in fall. Shade and wet site tolerant, clump-forming, semi-evergreen.
H: 24 Inches · S: 12 Inches · Zone: 4

Digitalis purpurea 'Camelot Cream'
A floriferous and cold hardy biennial adored for its profuse upright spikes of ivory-cream-colored bell-shaped flowers with maroon throat splotches from June to August. Flowers first year. Will self-sow seed after flowering second year. Lovely cut flowers for fresh arrangements and bouquets. Deer and rabbit resistant. Highly toxic to unwanted pests.
H: 36 in · S: 18 in · Zone: 4

Digitalis purpurea 'Dalmatian Creme'
Upright spikes of bell-shaped, cream-colored flowers with deep purple throat splotches from June to August above downy green foliage. Hardy biennial that flowers first year. Deer and rabbit resistant. Can be used in coastal plantings due to its salt tolerance. Highly toxic to unwanted pests.
H: 18 Inches · S: 10 Inches · Zone: 4

Hakonechloa macra
Hakone Grass has graceful green foliage, like miniature bamboo. Soft, airy seedheads form in late summer. Fall and winter foliage color is tan. The tallest of the Hakonechloas, Andrew Bunting of the Chicago Botanic Garden describes it beautifully as "catching (the) wind and flow(ing) like a rolling wave."
H: 24 Inches · S: 24 Inches · Zone: 4

Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold'
The bright yellow spiky foliage of Gold Hakone Grass is more upright than H. 'Aureola'. This grass really lights up shady spots, especially when covered with delicate seedheads. This is Bruce Crawford's favorite Hakonechloa for a number of its attributes. Fall and winter color is tan.
H: 18 Inches · S: 24 Inches · Zone: 6

Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola'
The striking yellow and green foliage of Golden-Variegated Hakone Grass helps make this and 'All Gold' our absolute favorite shade grass. Tan color in fall and winter is preceded by delicate, feathery seed panicles. A 2009 Perennial Plant of the Year, and a slow-spreading groundcover.
H: 12 Inches · S: 36 Inches · Zone: 6

Heuchera x 'Midnight Rose' PP18551
Native clumping perennial with dark, nearly black foliage speckled with pink and cream. Creamy white panicles bloom from June to July. Good for edging pathways or adding contrast to container plantings. Shade tolerant.
H: 10 Inches · S: 16 Inches · Zone: 4

Kniphofia x Pyromania® 'Hot and Cold' PP31185
Bi-colored tangerine to creamy white blooms remain upright over blue-green, grass-like foliage from June to September. Deer and rabbit resistant. Drought tolerant.
H: 30 Inches · S: 24 Inches · Zone: 6

Leymus arenarius 'Blue Dune'
The wide powder blue leaves of 'Blue Dune' Lyme Grass combine with seedheads that look a little like barley. An aggressive spreader that likes dry sites. Salt and wind tolerant. Leymus arenarius 'Blue Dune' is good for erosion control because it's so vigorous.
H: 24 Inches · S: 36 Inches · Zone: 4

Molinia caerulea 'Skyracer'
'Skyracer' Purple Moor Grass has tall seedheads in mid summer that are very showy above short, green foliage which turns yellow in the fall. Introduced by Kurt Bluemel, it holds up well in the winter. Bruce Crawford of The Rutgers Gardens calls Molinia a 'ghost plant' because you can see things through the airy seedheads. Molinias tolerate moist soils well.
H: 72 Inches · S: 36 Inches · Zone: 4

Panicum virgatum
Airy seedheads top green to bluish leaves on stiff stems starting in July. Foliage turns tan in fall and is attractive with the seedheads for most of the winter.
H: 40 Inches · S: 30 Inches · Zone: 4

Panicum virgatum 'Cape Breeze' PP24895
'Cape Breeze' Switch Grass has clean green foliage which retains its color into late October, before turning an attractive tan throughout the winter. The airy tan inflorescences float above the upright compact plants, and serve as an important winter food source for birds. Panicum 'Cape Breeze' is an excellent native grass for its tolerance of sterile soils and salty conditions. Developed and introduced by North Creek Nurseries.
H: 30 Inches · S: 24 Inches · Zone: 4

Panicum virgatum 'Gunsmoke' PP32373
Tan seedheads above steely green foliage in late summer. A midsized Switchgrass that holds up well through winter.
H: 48 Inches · S: 36 Inches · Zone: 4