Search Results for 'Clematis'
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Clear SearchClematis
We grow an extensive list of Clematis, with different flower colors and growth habits. For cultivars, descriptions and flower pictures, please consult our website's plant library or contact us.

Clematis Avant-Garde™ PP16074
Avant-Garde™ ('Evipo 033') Clematis comes from the Evison/Poulson hybridizing program. The 3" flowers are a showy combination of red surrounding pink petaloid stamens, making the blooms look almost double. The bloom period is July to September. Since Avant-Garde™ is a heavy bloomer, the show is very eye catching.
H: 10 Feet · Zone: 5

Clematis Bourbon™ PP16267
Bourbon™ ('Evipo 018'(N)) Clematis is another exciting introduction from the Evison/Poulson breeding program. The large (5") flowers are a bright red, set off by bright yellow anthers. Although shorter than many Clematis, the flower display is impressive. Bourbon™ blooms June to August and would make an interesting addition to large mixed containers.
H: 5 Feet · Zone: 5

Clematis 'Duchess of Edinburgh'
'Duchess of Edinburgh' Clematis is a very showy vine, with quantities of double white flowers in May and June. Blooms are large and long lasting.
H: 10 Feet · Zone: 5

Clematis 'General Sikorski'
Large lavender blue flowers set off by soft yellow stamens over green vining leaves and stems starting in April and continuing into summer.
H: 10 Feet · Zone: 5

Clematis 'Gillian Blades'
Clematis 'Gillian Blades' has large white flowers that have ruffled edges and yellow anthers. Starts blooming in May and June, reblooming intermittently through the summer.
H: 12 Feet · Zone: 5

Clematis 'Hagley Hybrid'
The rich pink ruffled flowers of Clematis 'Hagley Hybrid' bloom from June to July. The blooms are large and very showy.
H: 8 Feet · Zone: 5

Clematis 'Henryi'
Clematis 'Henryi' has large white flowers with brown anthers. Blooms June to August. We love this Clematis for the brilliant whiteness of its flower.
H: 15 Feet · Zone: 5

Clematis 'Jackmanii Superba'
The large velvet purple flowers of Clematis 'Jackmanii Superba' bloom in June to September and will rebloom dependably. The classic large purple Clematis.
H: 10 Feet · Zone: 5

Clematis 'Multi-Blue'
Clematis 'Multi-Blue' has large dark blue to purple flowers which are double, made even showier by the frilly white tipped stamenoids. Blooms for an extended time starting in June and the flowers persist longer because they're double and therefore sterile.
H: 10 Feet · Zone: 5

Clematis 'Nelly Moser'
The bicolor pink flowers of Clematis 'Nelly Moser' have a darker pink stripe on each petal. Blooms May to June and again in September. Blooms are large and striking.
H: 10 Feet · Zone: 5

Clematis 'Niobe'
Clematis 'Niobe' has large magenta flowers with yellow anthers. Blooms May to June and again in September. The color makes the flower look velvety.
H: 8 Feet · Zone: 5

Clematis Nubia™
Large crimson red flowers displayed on green vining stems in late spring through mid summer. Prune back in late winter or early spring.
H: 6 Feet · Zone: 5

Clematis 'Ramona'
Clematis 'Ramona' has large lavender blue flowers with dark anthers. Blooms June to August. This is one of our favorite blue Clematis.
H: 10 Feet · Zone: 5

Clematis 'Rhapsody'
Clematis 'Rhapsody' has large sapphire blue flowers set off by yellow anthers. Blooms July to August. We have been very impressed with the flower color and length of bloom time.
H: 8 Feet · Zone: 5

Clematis 'Rooguchi'
The deep blue bell-like flowers of Clematis 'Rooguchi' have lighter, upward-curving interiors. A scrambler, not a climber (needs to be fastened to support). Blooms June to September, and one of our favorite vines.
H: 6 Feet · Zone: 4

Clematis Sapphire Indigo™ PP17012
Sapphire Indigo™ Clematis ('Cleminov 51') is a short non-clinging vine with gorgeous purple-blue flowers in June and July. It can be used as a loose open groundcover, but it works even better if allowed to twine up through small shrubs and sturdy perennials. The 4" blooms open as an open-faced purple and mature to a beautiful sapphire blue. Hybridized by INRA in France and introduced into the US by Conard Pyle Nurseries.
H: 3 Feet · S: 3 Feet · Zone: 5

Clematis 'The President'
Clematis 'The President' has large deep purple flowers. Blooms from June to September. A dependable rebloomer, and a striking vine to run up through shrubs and small trees.
H: 10 Feet · Zone: 5

Clematis durandii
Clematis durandii has deep blue flowers of 4 petals with creamy, showy anthers, on a non-clinging, scrambling vine. Blooms July and August. Unusual and very striking.
H: 6 Feet · Zone: 5