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Search Results for 'Phlox'

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Woodland Phlox

Phlox divaricata 'Blue Moon'

'Blue Moon' Woodland Phlox blooms in April and May, producing large violet blue fragrant clumps of flowers on delicate stems. Phlox divaricata 'Blue Moon' is a particularly showy example of our native groundcover, naturalizing well in woodland settings. An introduction by the New England Wildflower Society.

H: 16 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 3

Woodland Phlox

Phlox divaricata 'Blue Ribbons' PP34928

Creamy white and soft green variegated foliage with pink margins stays evergreen and attractive throughout the year, taking on more elaborate pink and red hues in cooler weather. Upright clusters of five-petaled periwinkle-colored flowers with a lovely fragrance arrive in May, occasionally reblooming in the early to mid-fall with the red-tinted foliage contrasting beautifully against the purple blooms. Tolerant of partial shade conditions.

H: 6 Inches  ·   S: 16 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

Woodland Phlox

Phlox divaricata 'May Breeze'

Clusters of pale blue to white fragrant flowers top mats of delicate green leaves in April and May. An excellent candidate for naturalizing in woodland settings.

H: 12 Inches  ·   S: 12 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

Garden Phlox

Phlox paniculata 'Blue Paradise'

'Blue Paradise' Garden Phlox has fragrant flowers that open pale blue and darken to violet blue in July and August. It has good mildew resistant foliage. All Phlox varieties we grow are disease resistant cultivars.

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

Garden Phlox

Phlox paniculata 'David'

'David' Garden Phlox has fragrant white flowers in July and August and disease resistant foliage. 2002 Perennial Plant of the Year. From FM Mooberry of the Brandywine Conservancy, where Phlox paniculata 'David' was found as a seedling.

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

Garden Phlox

Phlox paniculata Garden Gal™ 'Uptown Girl' PP32287

From July to September, upright clusters of light pink blooms with hot pink centers appear over top of dark green, disease resistant foliage. Attractive to pollinators. Powdery mildew disease resistant.

H: 32 Inches  ·   S: 28 Inches  ·   Zone: 3

Garden Phlox

Phlox paniculata Garden Gals™ 'Cover Girl' PP32323

Large, bright purple flowerheads are held upright over disease-resistant foliage from July to September with long bloom period. Attractive to pollinators. Powdery mildew disease resistant.

H: 38 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 3

Garden Phlox

Phlox paniculata Garden Girls™ 'Party Girl' PP32324

Bright white blooms with hot pink centers form large, upright flowerheads from July to September over top of clean, medium-green foliage. Attractive to pollinators. Powdery mildew disease resistant.

H: 28 Inches  ·   S: 28 Inches  ·   Zone: 3

Garden Phlox

Phlox paniculata 'Glamour Girl' PP25778

'Glamour Girl' Garden Phlox blooms prolifically in mid to late summer. The bright coral pink flower panicles are displayed on dark stems above mildew resistant green foliage. Phlox paniculata 'Glamour Girl' has a lot to offer mixed perennial borders, with height, fragrance and butterfly and hummingbird appeal. An introduction from Walters Garden's breeding program. Will rebloom if deadheaded right after the first bloom flush.

H: 32 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

Garden Phlox

Phlox paniculata 'Jeana'

'Jeana' Garden Phlox is an unusually mildew-resistant Phlox with bright lavender-pink flowers which have a sweet fragrance. 'Jeana' blooms for an extended time from mid summer to early fall. It was found by (and named after) Jeana Prewitt of Nashville, Tennessee, and the North Creek people got us all enthusiastic about it.

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 3

Garden Phlox

Phlox paniculata 'Laura'

'Laura' Garden Phlox has fragrant plum-purple flowers with white eye zones, appearing in July and August for an extended show.

H: 42 Inches  ·   S: 30 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

Garden Phlox

Phlox paniculata 'Lord Clayton' PP22960

'Lord Clayton' Garden Phlox produces large cherry red flower panicles in mid to late summer, but the foliage is the really unusual break through. The leaves start in spring in shades of eggplant purple with lime green veins. They mature in summer to bronze and greenish purple, matching a showy background for the showy fragrant flower clumps. Deadheading will promote an extended flowering period. Phlox paniculata 'Lord Clayton' makes a showy cut flower, as well as an excellent garden native for pollinators. Found by garden writer Tammy Clayton in Michigan and introduced by Plants Nouveau.

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 30 Inches  ·   Zone: 3

Garden Phlox

Phlox paniculata Luminary® 'Backlight' PP34506

Upright panicles of brilliant white flowers make a showy display from July to September over top of dark green foliage. Tolerant of high heat, humidity. Powdery mildew resistant.

H: 28 Inches  ·   S: 20 Inches  ·   Zone: 3

Garden Phlox

Phlox paniculata Luminary® 'Opalescence' PP33295

Light pink flowers with dark pink centers bloom consistently from July to September, great for cut flower arrangements and the perennial border. Capable of handling part sun conditions. Highly powdery mildew resistant.

H: 30 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 3

Garden Phlox

Phlox paniculata Luminary® 'Ultraviolet' PP33607

Vibrant, bright magenta blooms appear upright over dark green foliage from July to September, attracting pollinators and making a great addition to cut flower arrangements. Highly powdery mildew resistant.

H: 32 Inches  ·   S: 28 Inches  ·   Zone: 3

Garden Phlox

Phlox paniculata 'Nicky'

'Nicky' Garden Phlox has fragrant deep magenta-purple flowers in mid summer. Its very intense color make this and 'Laura' the favorite Phlox of Nanci Angle of Horticultural Management. Introduced by Niche Gardens.

H: 36 Inches  ·   S: 24 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

Garden Phlox

Phlox paniculata 'Red Riding Hood'

Cherry red clumps of fragrant flowers top the green leaves and stems, blooming mid to late summer. A compact sturdy plant.

H: 20 Inches  ·   S: 16 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

Creeping Phlox

Phlox stolonifera 'Blue Ridge'

'Blue Ridge' Creeping Phlox produces a fine mat of green foliage covered with clear blue flowers in April and May. A lovely addition to the early spring garden. All Phlox stoloniferas are dry site tolerant when established.

H: 10 Inches  ·   S: 12 Inches  ·   Zone: 5

Phlox stolonifera Pink Ridge
Creeping Phlox

Phlox stolonifera 'Pink Ridge'

H: 10 Inches  ·   S: 12 Inches  ·   Zone: 5

Creeping Phlox

Phlox stolonifera 'Sherwood Purple'

'Sherwood Purple' Creeping Phlox has vivid purple flowers in April and May covering the vigorous green foliage. North Creek Nurseries considers it the best groundcover of the P. stolonifera group.

H: 10 Inches  ·   S: 12 Inches  ·   Zone: 5

Moss Phlox

Phlox subulata 'Amazing Grace'

White star-shaped flowers cover green needle-like leaves in early spring. Makes a semi-evergreen groundcover for sunny locations.

H: 6 Inches  ·   S: 12 Inches  ·   Zone: 2

Moss Phlox

Phlox subulata 'Candy Stripe'

The flowers in April of 'Candy Stripe' Moss Phlox are pink and white stripes, over creeping thread-like green foliage. Needs good drainage.

H: 4 Inches  ·   S: 10 Inches  ·   Zone: 2