Variegated: Green/White Plants
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Ajuga reptans 'Pink Lightning' PP22255
Short mauve pink flower spikes above crinkled green and white leaves in mid spring. A semi-evergreen shade groundcover.
H: 6 Inches · S: 6 Inches · Zone: 4

Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Overdam'
'Overdam' Feather Reed Grass has green and white foliage and tan upright inflorescences. Thriving in both sun and shade, this is one of our favorite grasses. Winter color is a whitish tan.
H: 36 Inches · S: 18 Inches · Zone: 4

Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance'
'Ice Dance' Japanese Grass Sedge has green and white striped foliage. 'Ice Dance' Kan Suge is a great evergreen groundcover that can cover a large, shady area rapidly and easily. The small flowers appear above the foliage in May. Introduced to the US by Barry Yinger.
H: 12 Inches · S: 24 Inches · Zone: 5

Carex oshimensis 'EverColor® 'Everest'' PP20955
'Everest' ('CarFit01') Weeping Sedge is a lovely sport of Carex 'Evergold', with ivory white margins bordering the dark green evergreen leaves. The soft flowing foliage does well in woodland settings and in mixed shade containers, as its bright white stripes make a showy display. The habit is clumping. Found in 2006 by Pat Fitzgerald of Ireland.
H: 10 Inches · S: 16 Inches · Zone: 5

Cercis canadensis 'Alley Cat' PPAF
'Alley Cat' Eastern Redbud has foliage liberally splashed with white, and its striking variegation is stable and scorch resistant. The dark pink pea-shaped flowers emerge in April just before the leaves begin to show in shades of copper pink and soft green. As the foliage matures, the white emerges and makes a lovely contrast to the green. Alan Bush found Cercis 'Alley Cat' in an alley near his home in Kentucky, and gave it to Harald Neubauer of Hidden Hollow Nursery to introduce.
H: 20 Feet · S: 20 Feet · Zone: 5

Cornus alba Ivory Halo™ PP8722
Ivory Halo™ ('Bailhalo') Tatarian Dogwood has brightly variegated leaves that emerge in spring with green centers surrounded by large ivory white margins. The flat topped creamy flowers in May and June are followed by white summer fruit. The fall color is pink and reddish purple, and the winter stem color is dark red and showy. Prune out older canes in the spring to maintain the winter stem show.
H: 5 Feet · S: 5 Feet · Zone: 4

Cornus kousa 'Wolf Eyes'
'Wolf Eyes' Kousa Dogwood has white flowers in June and variegated white and green foliage with striking red and pink fall color. It is a Manor View Farms selection. It prefers a shady location. This is Richard Hesselein's favorite variegated Dogwood.
H: 6 Feet · S: 4 Feet · Zone: 5

Deschampsia cespitosa 'Northern Lights'
Native clumping grass that remains semi-evergreen in mild winters. Variegated green, white and gold foliage takes on pinkish tones upon emergence in spring and cool weather in autumn. Attractive seedheads in late summer. Low maintenance and shade tolerant.
H: 24 Inches · S: 24 Inches · Zone: 5

Hosta 'Angel Falls' PP28785
Lavender flowers on 2' arching stems above green and cream colored rippled leaves in July. Margins are dark green around the large creamy centers.
H: 16 Inches · S: 36 Inches · Zone: 3

Hosta 'Fire and Ice'
The leaves of 'Fire and Ice' Hosta are very striking with wide, bright white centers surrounded by dark green margins. The blooms appear in July and are a pale lavender.
H: 20 Inches · S: 42 Inches · Zone: 4

Hosta 'Francee'
Hosta 'Francee' has medium-sized, green and white foliage with late season lavender flowers. A variegated Plantain Lily which is a real workhorse in the garden.
H: 20 Inches · S: 50 Inches · Zone: 4

Hosta 'Patriot'
Hosta 'Patriot' has medium-sized white and green foliage, and lavender bell-like flowers in mid summer. A sport of H. 'Francee', found by Mobjack Nursery. 1997 Hosta of the Year, and more sun tolerant than most Hostas.
H: 20 Inches · S: 50 Inches · Zone: 4

Illicium floridanum 'Pink Frost' PP21287
Red sea-anemone flowers compliment the variegated cream and green leaves for most of the year. Foliage takes on pinkish rose hues in winter.
H: 6 Feet · S: 6 Feet · Zone: 7

Iris ensata 'Variegata'
Variegated Japanese Iris has purple flowers in June, and striking white striped leaves. Does well in wet sites. The foliage is showy all summer.
H: 36 Inches · S: 24 Inches · Zone: 5

Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver'
Bright, silvery, evergreen to semi-evergreen foliage with green accents creates a lively contrast in the full sun or partial shade garden. Small, lavender-pink flowers emerge from May to July and are attractive to pollinators. Drought tolerant, deer and rabbit resistant.
H: 6 Inches · S: 18 Inches · Zone: 3

Liriope muscari 'Variegata'
Lavender-blue flowers in late summer appear over cream and green striped foliage. Variegated Lily-turf tolerates dry sites and is a showy evergreen clump. Can be used in a mass planting or as a single perennial specimen.
H: 12 Inches · S: 16 Inches · Zone: 5

Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus'
'Gracillimus' Maiden Grass has rose-red inflorescences in late summer over green foliage with a thin, white mid-rib. The old classic form of the Maiden Grasses, with attractive light tan winter color.
H: 72 Inches · S: 36 Inches · Zone: 5

Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light'
'Morning Light' Maiden Grass has rose inflorescences in late summer, above fine white and green striped leaves. The finest textured of the large Maiden Grasses, and one of our favorites in the landscape. Also beautiful all winter.
H: 60 Inches · S: 36 Inches · Zone: 5

Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki'
'Goshiki' Holly Tea Olive has stunning bronze new growth that changes to shiny Holly-like green leaves liberally speckled with creamy white. Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki' provides late summer fragrance with its inconspicuous flowers. Introduced by Barry Yinger and Brookside Gardens. An evergreen that likes shady spots.
H: 8 Feet · S: 6 Feet · Zone: 6

Phlox divaricata 'Blue Ribbons' PP34928
Creamy white and soft green variegated foliage with pink margins stays evergreen and attractive throughout the year, taking on more elaborate pink and red hues in cooler weather. Upright clusters of five-petaled periwinkle-colored flowers with a lovely fragrance arrive in May, occasionally reblooming in the early to mid-fall with the red-tinted foliage contrasting beautifully against the purple blooms. Tolerant of partial shade conditions.
H: 6 Inches · S: 16 Inches · Zone: 4

Pieris japonica 'Flaming Silver'
'Flaming Silver' Japanese Pieris has dark green lustrous leaves with bright white margins. The new growth emerges in shades of red with pink margins, followed by fragrant white bells in pendant clumps in March and April. According to Michael Dirr, 'Flaming Silver' is a more vigorous grower than Pieris 'Variegata' and it is certainly more showy with wider white margins on the evergreen leaves.
H: 5 Feet · S: 4 Feet · Zone: 5

Polygonatum odoratum 'Angel Wing' PP21543
Shade tolerant groundcover with variegated foliage featuring wide, ivory-white margins that adds a pop of contrast to the shade garden. Small, inconspicuous, white, bell-shaped flowers with lovely fragrance from May to June. Compact and vigorous growth habit.
H: 16 Inches · S: 26 Inches · Zone: 4