Winter Containers Plants
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Acorus gramineus 'Minimus Aureus'
Dwarf Golden Sweet Flag is a wonderful plant for walkways as well as rain gardens and stream edges, because it is tolerant of foot traffic as well as significant moisture. The evergreen foliage is like tiny thick bladed grass tufts and when crushed, it releases an attractive sweet scent. The tufts slowly expand to make a short yellowish green mat. Although it looks like a grass, Acorus gramineus 'Minimus Aureus' is actually more closely related to the Iris family.
H: 4 Inches · S: 8 Inches · Zone: 5

Acorus gramineus 'Ogon'
'Ogon' Sweet Flag has bright yellow stiffly upright leaves that are a vivid addition to a wet site in the shade. The clumps of Acorus 'Ogon' get larger with age. This Sweet Flag is evergreen so it provides great winter interest. Introduced into the US by Barry Yinger. Per Diane Guidone formerly of Rumson, NJ, Acorus withstood salt inundation in the recent hurricanes really well.
H: 16 Inches · S: 12 Inches · Zone: 5

Ajuga x Feathered Friends™ 'Tropical Toucan'
Cobalt blue blooms from appear from April to June above puckered, electric yellow foliage that remains evergreen year-round in part shade to full shade conditions. Heat tolerant, deer and rabbit resistant.
H: 6 Inches · S: 12 Inches · Zone: 4

Andropogon ternarius 'Black Mountain'
Silver inflorescences on reddish stems in fall follow the blue green summer foliage. Very tolerant of poor soils and dry sites.
H: 36 Inches · S: 18 Inches · Zone: 6

Asplenium scolopendrium
Evergreen fern with strappy fronds that remain bright green and lush year-round. Compact and low-growing. Brown, linear rows of sori on undersides of fronds resemble centipedes. Deer and rabbit resistant. Tolerant of heavy shade and moist, well-drained soils.
H: 14 Inches · S: 14 Inches · Zone: 5

Aucuba japonica 'Emily Rose'
'Emily Rose' Aucuba is a dark green female selection with superior cold tolerance. The slender lustrous leaves are evergreen , and make a great setting for the large shiny red fruit. The berries color up in mid to late winter, and are retained well into the summer, providing a log lasting show. Any male form planted nearby will provide adequate pollination. Aucuba 'Emily Rose' was an introduction from Hines Nursery of California.
H: 5 Feet · S: 5 Feet · Zone: 6

Aucuba japonica 'Golden King'
'Golden King' Aucuba has dark green evergreen leaves that are vividly splashed with yellow. This cultivar is male, so it makes a perfect pollinator for good berry production on Aucuba japonica female plants.
H: 8 Feet · S: 6 Feet · Zone: 6

Aucuba japonica 'Hosoba Hoshifu'
'Hosoba Hoshifu' Aucuba is a showy evergreen for shady locations, with long narrow shiny green leaves speckled liberally with bright yellow spots. 'Hosoba Hoshifu' is a female Aucuba, which produces shiny red long lasting fruit when planted near a male form (most green and yellow Aucubas are male). The fruit is large and very showy as it persists throughout the winter. Plant in a sheltered spot protected from winter winds and afternoon sun.
H: 5 Feet · S: 4 Feet · Zone: 7

Aucuba japonica 'Rozannie'
'Rozannie' Aucuba is a compact evergreen form which has large, very lustrous green leaves. They look almost artificial because they are so shiny and perfect. Even more amazing are the enormous bright red berries which remain on 'Rozannie' for several months. Since birds (and deer) do not eat the fruit, the show goes on for a long time. A compact female form, tolerant of a wide range of soils.
H: 4 Feet · S: 4 Feet · Zone: 6

Aucuba japonica 'Variegata'
Aucuba japonica 'Variegata' has shiny green leaves sprinkled with gold spots, and is evergreen. Variegated Japanese Aucuba is often called 'Gold Dust' Aucuba.
H: 8 Feet · S: 6 Feet · Zone: 6

Bergenia x 'Bressingham White'
Bergenia x 'Bressingham White' has white flowers in April and May over shiny green leaves which turn bronze in the fall. It is evergreen. Hybridized by Alan Bloom of England.
H: 15 Inches · S: 18 Inches · Zone: 4

Bergenia x DRAGONFLY™ 'Sakura'
Clumping, shade-tolerant evergreen perennial with upright, hot pink flowers from March to May and thick, shiny foliage that turns to a deep purple black in winter. Deer and rabbit resistant.
H: 10 Inches · S: 12 Inches · Zone: 4

Buxus NewGen™ Freedom®
Glossy bright green evergreen leaves on a rapid growing plant. Benefits from yearly trimming especially for hedging. Resistant to Boxwood Blight and Leafminer.
H: 4 Feet · S: 4 Feet · Zone: 5

Buxus NewGen™ Independence® PP28888
Deep green lustrous evergreen leaves on a rounded slow-growing habit. Performs best in partial shade and is Boxwood Blight and Leafminer resistant.
H: 3 Feet · S: 3 Feet · Zone: 6

Buxus microphylla 'Little Missy' PP24703
'Little Missy' Little Leaf Boxwood is an excellent substitute for Buxus 'Justin Brouwers' is areas where Boxwood Blight is increasingly a problem. The Buxus microphylla cultivars are much more resistant to the effects of the blight, and 'Little Missy', with it's compact mounding habit and diminutive size works well where really small Boxwoods are needed. The leaves are lustrous dark green and tolerate sun well. Buxus 'Little Missy' does well with trimming, so it can be used to make knot gardens and short formal hedges.
H: 2 Feet · S: 2 Feet · Zone: 5

Buxus microphylla var. japonica 'Jim Stauffer'
Often called 'Tru Spreader', 'Jim Stauffer' Little Leaf Boxwood is a slow, low growing evergreen which exhibits good winter color and great cold tolerance.
H: 3 Feet · S: 4 Feet · Zone: 5

Buxus microphylla var. koreana 'Winter Gem'
'Winter Gem' Little Leaf Boxwood has large glossy evergreen leaves with bronze backs and an upright rounded habit. Winter color is a bronzy green.
H: 4 Feet · S: 4 Feet · Zone: 6

Buxus microphylla var. koreana 'Wintergreen'
'Wintergreen' Little Leaf Boxwood has dark evergreen leaves and maintains its green winter color well. It has a rounded habit and is very hardy. Introduced by Scarff Nursery of Ohio.
H: 4 Feet · S: 5 Feet · Zone: 5

Buxus sempervirens
Common Boxwood has dark green evergreen foliage and is slow growing but eventually will grow into a large round plant. Buxus sempervirens can be trimmed into a variety of shapes and sizes.
H: 15 Feet · S: 10 Feet · Zone: 6

Buxus sempervirens 'Dee Runk'
'Dee Runk' Common Boxwood has glossy dark green foliage that makes its conical shape a standout. It is evergreen, disease resistant and slow growing and is an exciting newcomer to the Boxwood scene.
H: 10 Feet · S: 3 Feet · Zone: 6

Buxus sempervirens 'Fastigiata'
Fastigiate Common Boxwood has dark green foliage which often has a bluish cast to the evergreen leaves. The habit is a neat upright cone, somewhat wider at the base than B. 'Dee Runk'. Buxus s. 'Fastigiata' shows minimal bronzing in the winter, and makes an impressive formal specimen.
H: 10 Feet · S: 4 Feet · Zone: 6

Buxus x 'Green Gem'
A cross between B. sinica var. insularis and B. sempervirens, 'Green Gem' Boxwood is a slow growing round evergreen that combines excellent hardiness with good winter color. An introduction by Sheridan Nurseries of Ontario, Canada.
H: 2 Feet · S: 2 Feet · Zone: 4

Buxus x 'Green Mound'
Very compact, perfectly mounding, broadleaf evergreen shrub reaching 2-3’ height and width and requiring little shaping. Glossy, small green foliage remains nice throughout the year. Highly deer and rabbit resistant.
H: 2 Feet · S: 2 Feet · Zone: 4