Chartreuse/Gold/Yellow Plants
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Acorus gramineus 'Minimus Aureus'
Dwarf Golden Sweet Flag is a wonderful plant for walkways as well as rain gardens and stream edges, because it is tolerant of foot traffic as well as significant moisture. The evergreen foliage is like tiny thick bladed grass tufts and when crushed, it releases an attractive sweet scent. The tufts slowly expand to make a short yellowish green mat. Although it looks like a grass, Acorus gramineus 'Minimus Aureus' is actually more closely related to the Iris family.
H: 4 Inches · S: 8 Inches · Zone: 5

Acorus gramineus 'Ogon'
'Ogon' Sweet Flag has bright yellow stiffly upright leaves that are a vivid addition to a wet site in the shade. The clumps of Acorus 'Ogon' get larger with age. This Sweet Flag is evergreen so it provides great winter interest. Introduced into the US by Barry Yinger. Per Diane Guidone formerly of Rumson, NJ, Acorus withstood salt inundation in the recent hurricanes really well.
H: 16 Inches · S: 12 Inches · Zone: 5

Agastache rugosa 'Golden Jubilee'
Lavender blue fragrant flower spikes top chartreuse yellow fragrant foliage. A showy choice for sunny well-drained sites.
H: 30 Inches · S: 24 Inches · Zone: 5

Ajuga reptans Feathered Friends™ 'Cordial Canary' PPAF
Violet blue flower spikes top low growing lime green to yellow foliage in spring. A colorful low groundcover to lighten up shady areas.
H: 6 Inches · S: 18 Inches · Zone: 4

Ajuga x Feathered Friends™ 'Tropical Toucan'
Cobalt blue blooms from appear from April to June above puckered, electric yellow foliage that remains evergreen year-round in part shade to full shade conditions. Heat tolerant, deer and rabbit resistant.
H: 6 Inches · S: 12 Inches · Zone: 4

Aralia cordata 'Sun King'
'Sun King' Golden Aralia is a very large showy perennial, producing chartreuse yellow compound leaves which hold their striking color all summer. The 2' tall white flower spikes appear in late summer, and are followed by purplish black berries. Barry Yinger found this Aralia in Japan (in a department store's garden section!) and brought it to the US. This is a great plant to light up the back of shady perennial beds.
H: 60 Inches · S: 48 Inches · Zone: 3

Campanula garganica 'Dickson's Gold'
Light blue star-shaped flowers cover the round yellow leaves in late spring. A good groundcover for light shade.
H: 6 Inches · S: 12 Inches · Zone: 5

Carex oshimensis EverColor® 'Everillo' PP21002
'Everillo' Weeping Sedge starts the summer season with lime green mounding foliage that rapidly turns a vivid yellowish gold. Like its relatives, 'Evergold', and 'Everest', 'Everillo' is evergreen, so it lights up the garden throughout the year. Carex 'Everillo' was found by Pat Fitzgerald of Ireland, as a naturally occurring sport of 'Evergold'. The graceful, flowing habit of the narrow leaves makes this sedge an excellent addition to mixed containers.
H: 18 Inches · S: 18 Inches · Zone: 6

Cercis canadensis Golden Falls® PP31658
Pink pea-shaped flowers cover branches before large heart-shaped yellow leaves emerge in early spring. Short and compact, with a weeping form.
H: 12 Feet · S: 6 Feet · Zone: 5

Cercis canadensis 'Hearts of Gold' PP17740
'Hearts of Gold' Eastern Redbud, is a new selection from Jon Roethling with bright yellow new growth all summer, (the older leaves turn green). The flowers of 'Hearts of Gold' are lavender and appear in April and May. It keeps its color best in cooler climates.
H: 20 Feet · S: 18 Feet · Zone: 6

Chamaecyparis pisifera filifera 'Goldthread'
Chamaecyparis pisifera filifera 'Goldthread' has threadlike bright yellow evergreen foliage that looks more like a sheepdog than a plant. Goldthread is slow growing, but it does get wide, so leave plenty of space. 'Goldthread' is also relatively salt tolerant.
H: 5 Feet · Zone: 5

Cotinus coggygria Golden Spirit™ PP13082
Golden Spirit™ ('Ancot') Smokebush has smoky purple-gray flowers in June and July. Bronze new growth turns to chartreuse yellow leaves in summer. Golden Spirit™ has pinkish red and orange fall foliage. From Boskoop, Holland.
H: 10 Feet · S: 5 Feet · Zone: 4

Cotinus coggygria WineCraft Gold® PP30327
Greenish pink smoke-like inflorescences over chartreuse-yellow round leaves in late spring and early summer. Deer resistant and very showy.
H: 6 Feet · S: 4 Feet · Zone: 5

Dicentra spectabilis 'Gold Heart'
'Gold Heart' Bleeding Heart has the classic pink and white heart-shaped pendant flowers, but they hang from pink stems which rise from electric yellow foliage in the spring. The leaves light up the shade garden beautifully. By mid summer the foliage matures to chartreuse green. Introduced by Nori Pope of England.
H: 24 Inches · S: 18 Inches · Zone: 5

Dicentra spectabilis 'Ruby Gold'
Ruby red pendant heart-shaped flowers on reddish stems in late spring are set off by vivid yellow leaves. Foliage goes dormant in hot summer weather.
H: 30 Inches · S: 36 Inches · Zone: 5

Dicentra spectabilis 'White Gold' PP27638
White pendant heart-shaped flowers in April and May on arching yellow stems and foliage. Very showy in shady locations with humus-rich well drained soils.
H: 24 Inches · S: 24 Inches · Zone: 4

Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold'
The bright yellow spiky foliage of Gold Hakone Grass is more upright than H. 'Aureola'. This grass really lights up shady spots, especially when covered with delicate seedheads. This is Bruce Crawford's favorite Hakonechloa for a number of its attributes. Fall and winter color is tan.
H: 18 Inches · S: 24 Inches · Zone: 6

Heuchera villosa 'Citronelle' PP17934
'Citronelle' is another wonderful H. villosa cross with vivid chartreuse foliage and small white flowers. A sport of 'Caramel', it has all the endurance qualities of its villosa parentage. Another great introduction from French breeder Thierry Delabroye.
H: 14 Inches · Zone: 4

Heucherella x 'Yellowstone Falls' PP22313
A native groundcover with bright, lime-green foliage with crimson red central markings creates a dense, trailing mat along the woodland edge or within the shade garden. Creamy white inflorescences bloom from May to July. Heavy shade tolerant.
H: 6 Inches · S: 24 Inches · Zone: 4

Hosta 'Curly Fries'
Lavender scapes hover over narrow yellow to green rippled leaves in early summer. An unusual leaf form and a small habit.
H: 6 Inches · S: 16 Inches · Zone: 4

Hosta 'Fire Island'
The vivid yellow textured leaves of Hosta 'Fire Island' have red petioles, especially showy in spring and early summer. Leaf color changes to a chartreuse-green as summer progresses, topped by lavender flowers in July.
H: 14 Inches · S: 20 Inches · Zone: 4