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Inventory Last Updated on Friday, July 26, 2024


Monday - Friday 7AM-4PM & Saturday 7AM-12noon

Last load 30 minute prior to closing.

****With the launch of our new website.  All existing customers will have to reapply for wholesale access by completing the Wholesale Account Application.  We could not grandfather any existing accounts**** 

Plant Avail Comments Future Future Ready Date
Baptisia alba var. macrophylla #1 (NATIVE-white) 8 300 8/1 Login
Baptisia australis #1 (NATIVE-blue) 5 1000 8/1 Login
Baptisia sphaerocarpa #1 (NATIVE-yellow) 29 200 8/1 Login
Baptisia x American Goldfinch #1 (NATIVE-lemon yellow) 4 Login
Baptisia x Decadence Cherries Jubilee #1 (NATIVE-maroon/yellow bicolor) 286 216 9/15 Login
Baptisia x Decadence Dark Chocolate #1 (NATIVE-purple yellow bicolor) 0 216 9/15 Login
Baptisia x Decadence Lemon Meringue #1 (NATIVE-bright yellow) 29 216 9/15 Login
Baptisia x Decadence Pink Truffles #1 (NATIVE-soft pink) 11 144 9/15 Login
Baptisia x Decadence Sparkling Sapphires #1 (NATIVE-vivid violet blue) 0 216 9/15 Login
Baptisia x Decadence Vanilla Cream #1 (NATIVE-creamy white) 4 144 9/15 Login
Baptisia x Decadence Pink Lemonade #1 (NATIVE-yellow/raspberry bicolor) 1 216 9/15 Login
Baptisia x Ivory Towers #1 (NATIVE-large white flower, dark purple stem) 0 288 8/1 Login
Begonia grandis #1 (pink) 105 Login
Belamcanda chinensis Freckle Face #1 (syn. Iris domestica) (brilliant orange w/ red specks) 0 200 8/1 Login
Belamcanda chinensis Hello Yellow #1 (syn. Iris domestica) (bright yellow) 79 Bud & bloom Login
Bergenia cordifolia Red Beauty #1 (rose red) 231 Login
Bergenia DRAGONFLY Sakura #1 (semi-dbl pink) 0 216 9/15 Login
Betula nigra Dura Heat #15 (M.S.) (NATIVE) 0 50_30 8/1_8/1 Login
Betula nigra Heritage ('Cully') #15 (M.S.) (NATIVE) 0 90 8/1 Login
Betula nigra Heritage ('Cully') #15 (single stem, T.F) (NATIVE) 0 30 8/1 Login
Betula nigra Heritage ('Cully') #20 8-10' (M.S.) (NATIVE) 48 30 8/1 Login
Bignonia capreolata Dragon Lady #2 (2' trellis) (NATIVE-salmon red) 0 100 8/1 Login
Bouteloua curtipendula #1 (NATIVE) 320 Login
Bouteloua gracilis #1 (NATIVE) 0 288 9/1 Login