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Inventory Last Updated on Friday, July 26, 2024


Monday - Friday 7AM-4PM & Saturday 7AM-12noon

Last load 30 minute prior to closing.

****With the launch of our new website.  All existing customers will have to reapply for wholesale access by completing the Wholesale Account Application.  We could not grandfather any existing accounts**** 

Plant Avail Comments Future Future Ready Date
Fagus grandifolia #10 6-7'+ (0.75") (NATIVE) 35 Login
Fagus grandifolia #15 5-6'+ (1.25)(NATIVE) 15 Login
Festuca arundinacea Glow Sticks #1 64 Login
Festuca glauca Elijah Blue #1 55 Login
Festuca rubra #1 (NATIVE) 176 Login
Ficus carica Chicago Hardy #3 18-24" (Fig) 93 Login
Filipendula rubra Venusta #2 (NATIVE-bright pink) 264 Login
Foeniculum vulgare Purpureum #2 (purple/bronze) 22 153 9/1 Login
Forsythia x intermedia Lynwood Gold #3 18-24" 116 Login
Forsythia x intermedia Lynwood Gold #7 0 30 8/1 Login
Fothergilla gardenii #3 18-24" (NATIVE-white) 0 800 8/1 Login
Fothergilla x intermedia Blue Shadow #3 18-24"+ (NATIVE-white, blue foliage) 10 500 8/1 Login
Fothergilla x intermedia Mount Airy #3 18-24"+ (NATIVE-white) 30 450 8/1 Login
Franklinia alatamaha #3 3-4' (NATIVE-white) 20 Login
Gaillardia aristata Arizona Apricot #1 (NATIVE-apricot w/ yellow tips) 214 Bud & bloom Login
Gaillardia aristata Arizona Red Shades #1 (NATIVE-crimson red) 210 Bud & bloom Login
Gaillardia aristata Arizona Sun #1 (NATIVE-orange red) 207 Bud & bloom Login
Galium odoratum QUART (white) 115 Login
Galium odoratum #1 (white) 310 50_400 9/1_9/15 Login
Gardenia jasminoides Kleim's Hardy #3 15-18" (fragrant white) 11 Login
Gardenia jasminoides Pillow Talk #3 (fragrant white) New 0 NEW! 96 8/1 Login
Gaura lindheimeri Siskiyou Pink #1 (NATIVE-rose pink) 256 240 9/1 Login
Gaura lindheimeri Whirling Butterflies #1 (NATIVE-white) 220 Bud & bloom 300 9/1 Login
Gelsemium sempervirens Margarita #2 (3' trellis) (NATIVE-yellow) 137 200 8/1 Login